Chapter 20:

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I heard some yelling from downstairs in the guild and laughed. I knew it was Dad having a tantrum and wreaking havoc over what I said.

"That should at least throw him off the trail from Ryan. I don't want Dad to kill him," I said.

I then heard the guild doors slam open. I smirked, knowing full well that Dad heard me, and had just set out on a search for a guy named Ryan. I feel bad for whoever has that name. At least I threw him even more off by saying the name Ryan. Dad really needs to think sometimes.

"Hey Kid! His name isn't Ryan, is it?" I heard Uncle Gajeel shout up.

I laughed, "Nope!"

I heard him and uncle Laxus laugh. I assume the others were looking at him confused. I assume Emma and Wendy know as well, and Uncle Rogue and Sting, since they are also dragonslayers. I can imagine Blake, Zeus, and Nova looking confused as well, because they aren't dragonslayers and they didn't inherit dragon ears as far as I know, so they wouldn't be able to hear.

Mavis came back, took one look at my smug face, and said, "Gray went on a rampage looking for your crush, didn't he?"

I nodded and she sweat dropped. "And you gave him a fake name too, right?" She guessed again. I smiled.

"Sooo anyways, I know some dragonslayers are trying to eavesdrop so I'm gonna put a soundproofing spell, okay?" She asked. I nodded. She spoke a few words in what I recognize as the ancient Moridian language.

I heard curses and grunts of disapproval and disappointment from downstairs.

"Sooo, who's the lucky guy?" Mavis asked with a cheeky smile as she started taking out golden leaves and crushing them into a bowl. It looked like she was going to make the reversal drink here while we talk. Not that I minded.

"I was hoping you didn't catch my mistake," I said, disappointed.

"Child, I've been around for more than 100 years, I can catch a simple mistake when I hear it." She laughed.

"Fine, it's Reiki," I told her.

"Ooohhhh interesting indeed. I can see you two together, to be honest. Watch out for Gray, though. He's going to be unpredictable. He might attack due to his overprotectiveness, but since Erza's Reiki's mother, he might be too scared to lay a finger on him. And I know for a fact Mirajane already ships you two, so she wouldn't dare let Gray touch him," she said.

"Yeah, but he might not let me out of his sight of he finds out who. He's eventually going to figure out that I made Ryan up to get him off my back and Reiki's trail," I added.

"So when are you planning on telling Reiki?" She asked. It caught me off guard.

"What no! When pigs fly!" I said.

"I can arrange that," she said as she twirled her finger. I floated up in the air. I yelped as I dropped onto the bed again.

"Nevermind! I'll tell him when . . . um . . . When Dad stops being so overprotective, with no help from you guys!" I said.

"Define 'you guys,'" she requested. I groaned. She's the Fairy Tactician, she'd always find a way around my words no matter what!

"When I'm ready! How about that?!" I groaned.

"But, when WILL you be ready? By the time you go try your luck, Reiki might already have a girlfriend. You have to at least confess before anyone else does," She told me.

I stayed quiet. I knew she was right, I knew I should confess as soon as possible so I can get a true answer, and not one that he has to refuse because he's dating someone else. I just . . . I mean I don't . . .

"You don't want to ruin your friendship, correct?" Mavis asked.

I nodded.

"You are just like your mother. In so many different ways. She used to feel the exact same way about Natsu, except she felt he was too dense to even know what love meant. She confessed to him and he didn't know what she meant, and brushed the confession off. Then, she fell in love with your father, and refused to make the same mistake again. She had rather been friends with Gray then ruin her whole relationship with him. That is until mating season came up and they confessed and had you, and pretty soon Silver was concieved. You remind me so much of her it's funny, really." The girl revealed as she finished brewing the drink.

"I'm putting this in the refrigerator downstairs. It needs to be cold for it to work. I will bring it up to you in an hour." She said as she left.

I decided to sleep for that hour, since I had nothing better to do. I looked around the beautiful starry room and fell asleep. I would never get tired of looking at those walls, but I would get tired FROM looking at them. I fell asleep.

1 hour later:

"Alaska wake up. It's time to drink the remedy." I was shaken awake and looked to see Master Mavis holding the drink.

She gave it to me and wrapped her hands around mine, making us both hold the cup. She smiled innocently and sincerely. "As to what we discussed earlier, you decide when the time is right. Just be careful not to confess too late, or else you will lose the one you love, possibly forever."

She then let go and headed to the door. She opened it but turned around to look at me, "the soundproof spell is off. Drink what's in that cup, and the curse should be lifted forever." She then left, and closed the door behind her. I looked into the cup to see a black liquid. I tilted my head confused, wondering how golden leaves could make a black substance. Maybe something she mixed it with dyed it black. I shrugged and drank it. It tasted of nothing, yet everything.

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not Sequel: The Dragon's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now