Chapter 15:

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Author's Note:

That's Alaska in her Aquarius star dress. Hers and Lucy's star dresses are mostly the same, except Alaska's are less revealing. I also changed the place of the zodiac sign on this one. This took like, 3 hours to make and I just finished. 3 hours is ridiculous considering I only changed and added a couple things, but it looks good so I think it's worth it. It's past 2 AM right now, and I need sleep XD, so I'm gonna publish this later. Hope you enjoy the chapter!

Mom pushed passed me and grabbed a thick towel, pressing it against a huge deep cut on her side, which seemed to be the injury leaking the most blood. Blood was everywhere so I couldn't really tell. She was a bloody mess. Mom picked her up gently and we left the room, but not before I grabbed a pair of gloves I saw on the sink. I heard faint footsteps behind us. I ordered Gramps to put the gloves on quickly, and he did. I gave him the book, and just like I thought, it didn't shock him or blow him back. Those must have been the special gloves she was wearing when she brought the book here. The book seemed heavy for him, so he used his magic to grow his arms and muscles so he could have an easier time carry it. It seems like if anyone but me is somehow able to touch the book, it changes it's weight so the person carrying it won't get far. That's bad for us in this case.

I stopped running and turned around. Just like I heard, Natsu was chasing us.

"Get Ember to the hospital and keep the book safe! I'll hold Natsu off!" I yelled back at them.


He won't hurt me, Mom! He needs me in good condition so I can perform the ritual! He wouldn't dare risk the ritual over capturing me!" I yelled back.

She looked at me, deciding whether she should help me or help Ember.

"Mom just go, damn it! Ember will die if you don't! Get Dad to come down here in your place if you're that worried he'll kill me!" I yelled, frustrated that Ember's death was coming faster every second Mom hesitated.

"Fine! I'll send your father down here! Alaska Fullbuster if you get captured before he comes down here, you will face my wrath!" She replied as she ran up the stairs.

"Pft," I said to myself, "Since when have I not been able to hold my own for 5 minutes in a battle? Geez Mom you have so little faith in your daughter!"

Natsu stopped running to face me. He knew I wouldn't let him pass without a fight.

"Fire Dragon Roar!"

"Celestial Ice Devil Mode: Star Shield!"

"Open! Gate of the Lion, Leo!" I summoned.

"Alaska! What do you need?" Loke asked.

"Loke?! Long time no see," Natsu said.

"Stuff it up your ass, Pyro. I'm talking to Alaska, here." Loke said, shooting him down right away. Natsu scoffs.

"Loke, can you bring me my keys?" I asked.

"Of course! I'll be right back," he replied and disappeared.

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!"

"Star Dress: Aquarius! Water Barrier!"

A blue barrier appeared around me, nullifying Natsu's fire. He jumped back. Loke appeared and handed me my keys. He disappeared again so I could summon him using the keys. It takes more magic power to summon without keys because the keys already have magic power, and just need a little more to activate the gate. If I summon a spirit without using their key, I use more magic power because I need some to make the equivalent of a gate key, plus more to activate it and the gate. And then I need magic power to keep his gate open, while using even more magic for my devil slaying and star dresses. It's just easier and less strain on my magic power supply to close his gate and reopen it with the key.

"Open! Gate of the Lion, Gate of the Water Bearer! Leo, Aquarius!" I chanted.

The two of them appeared. Aquarius took one look at Natsu and scoffed.

"This brat again? Alright listen here, Girlie," she said to me, "this is the ONE time I will follow you're orders. I want to beat his ass for almost killing your mother twice now. She's the best keyholder I've had so far, other than Layla," She told me.

I breathed a sigh of relief, glad that she wouldn't sweep me away with her water this time. It's only this one time but I'll take it!

"Loke! Regulus kick. Aquarius! Put out his fire with water, please," I instructed.

(A/N: Sorry to interrupt the story, but I'm rereading this and I wanted to ask. Does anyone feel like this is pokemon when you read this sentence? I just realized and I want to see if anyone else thought the same thing. Lol I'm totally not changing this sentence.)

For once she didn't "tch" at me, and did exactly what I asked without washing me or Loke away. I was definitely enjoying this, but I had to focus on the fight.

Natsu dodged her water and slashed her side with fire. She flinched but held her ground. I closed Loke's gate and opened Scorpio's.

"Aqua Metria: Double Strength!"

We did a three person unison raid, Aquarius' power doubling the strength of the unison raid between me and Scorpio.

It hit Natsu and he was sent flying into the wall. He got up quickly and laughed.

"Of course your strong. You're Luce's kid. I might just keep you alive if you don't die from the ritual after all!" He commented.

"You know, almost half my power comes from my dad, too. I know you hate him and all, but give my old man some credit, Natsu," I replied, not losing focus like he wanted me to.

"Thank you, Alaska. At least someone defends me!" I heard Dad say as he ran up next to me. He narrowed his eyes at Natsu.

"Ahh, Pervy Popsicle! You've joined the fight. And here I thought you'd let your daughter fight me alone," Natsu said to him.

"No way. No one touches my girls without consequence from me." Dad says, "So, I saw that bloodied up kid Lucy was carrying to the hospital. Can't believe you'd willingly kill your daughter like that, Natsu. What happened to family?" Dad asked him.

"That brat isn't my family. She's been an annoying attention seeker since her mom died. Always asking, 'Daddy, can I hug you?'" he said, making fun of her.

"You ass!" I yelled, "her mother died when she was TWO!! Of course a two year old would want attention! They can barely do anything for themselves!"

"Well she did just fine on her own!" He argued back.

"Yeah, because she had no choice! She had to learn everything by scratch without help. Instead of helping her, you hit her when she did something you didn't like!" I yelled some more.

"Alaska! Calm down! He's trying to get under your skin. Your an ice devil, so chill out!" Dad ordered.

I took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Good. Now let's knock this Pyro out so he can go to jail already! I've been waiting for this day for 17 years!" Dad said.

"I've been wanting a rematch ever since you turned me into an ice cube," Natsu said.

"Force Closure!" I chanted, closing Scorpio's gate.

"Aquarius, I need you to help Dad, but stay out of range of his attacks, and only help when needed. Okay?" I asked.

"Fine," she replied.

"Dad, Aquarius is going to give you backup when you need it, okay? I need to get the council guards down here so they are ready to take him in." I told him. He nodded and I left them, running towards the staircase and going up.

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not Sequel: The Dragon's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now