Chapter 25:

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"A-Alaska?" Ember questioned.

It was like she didn't know if I was real or not. Like she was making sure I was really here.

"Hey Ember! Are you feeling okay?!" I asked and ran over to her hospital bed.

"Yes but . . . where am I?" She asked.

"A hospital," I answered.

"What's a hospital?"

I was a bit shocked that she didn't know what a hospital was, but I shouldn't have been surprised. I think I remember her saying that she's barely been out of that underground dungeon because Natsu wouldn't let her. She doesn't remember anything from when her mother was still alive either, so even if she's gone to the hospital before for something other than her birth, she wouldn't know it.

"A hospital is a place where you go to get healed when you're really hurt," I explained.

"Oh. W-Where's Father?" She asked quietly.

" . . . "

We didn't say anything.

"Natsu is in prison," I finally said.

"Why though?" She asked, a little panicked.

"Because he was charged with multiple crimes. Child abuse, kidnapping, sexual harassment, assault, and that's all I know of. He was a danger to us and to you. Remember what you said to me and my mom? You said, 'get me out of here.' He would have killed you if we didn't step in, Ember. You have to understand that," I told her as I squeezed her hand to comfort.

"Where am I gonna go? Father was the only family I had left," she said.

"Well, my family is taking the only good advice your father ever gave us. And that's adopting you. You're gonna be my little sister! If you want, I mean. If you don't want to then the whole guild will work together to raise you. Fairy Tail technically has custody since Natsu was a former member, and since we saved you from him," I explained.

"S-Sister?" She asked. I nodded. Tears started flowing out if her eyes, "I've never had a sibling before. I'd love to!" She said as she started crying.

I smiled.

"And guess what?" I asked her softly. She looked at me. I wiped the tears from her eyes, "You're not the only new member of our family. My mom was pregnant, remember?" I told her.

Her eyes widened.

"T-That's right! They're okay, right?!" She asked.

"Yep! And he's due in a couple weeks! I'm gonna have two new baby siblings!" I cheered.

She hugged me tightly. I hugged back, as if she would disappear if I didn't.

"Thank you . . . so SO much," she said softly.

I could feel the doctor's and Reiki's eyes on us, but didn't move. Ember needed this. Right now. And I'll be damned if I let anyone take this moment away from her.

We pulled away. I lifted Spark and Ash onto her bed. They nuzzled her.

"They protect me, my family, and my mate. You are family, so they protect you too. They'll be around a lot, so better get used to them," I laughed.

She hesitated, but stroked Ash's head. He immediately purred and plopped down next to her, earning more. She laughed as Spark walked to her other side and nearly nestled in, then looked up at her expecting the same treatment. She smiled and pet him too, making him purr as well. He laid his head down and fell asleep, while Ash soaked up her attention as his partner slept.

The doctor, seeing a good time to intervene, started telling us her condition.

"She is perfectly healthy, and will be able to be discharged tomorrow. We need to keep her overnight so we can make sure she doesn't have any unexpected damage from the coma. We also need to help her get used to standing up and walking again," he said.

"Alright that's fine! She probably needs rest now, so we should leave. We'll come by tomorrow to pick you up, okay?" I told Ember. She nodded.

She picked up Spark and gave him to me gently, careful not to wake him up. I clicked my tongue and Ash got up and nuzzled Ember, then leapt off the bed next to me.

"Bye guys," she said quietly.

"Bye," we answered, and let the doctor lead us out. Reiki waved and followed me.

The Next Day:

"You guys have everything?!" Mom asked frantically.

"Yes, Lucy. We have the bear, balloons, and the chocolate. Stop stressing. It's bad for the baby," he said as he grabbed her hand, rubbing the top with his thumb.

"Come on you two. Get Spark and Ash, and let's go pick up Ember," Dad told me and Reiki.

We nodded. I whistled and Spark and Ash came towards us. It was a new trick I learned. I handed Mom the balloons, and Reiki took the chocolate. I had the medium sized stuffed bear. It was red with a yellow sun on it, because of her magic.

We went to the hospital and stood outside. The doctor said that he'd bring her out himself. They walked out and Ember ran over to us as soon as she saw us. She hugged Mom first, since she hasn't seen her since she woke up.

"T-Thank you. Thank you SO much!" She cried.

Mom looked at her and softly smiled.

Suddenly Ember jumped, surprised. She looked at Mom, who laughed.

"That's just Silver. He's kicking, which means it must be about that time. His birth is soon!" She explained.

Dad bent down to her height and looked her in the eyes.

"Sup," he said.

Mom hit his head and laughed. Ember laughed as well.

"Ember listen," Dad said, turning serious, "You are now our family. Our daughter and Alaska's little sister, and soon a big sister to Silver. We're family, which means us and the guild will do everything to protect you, okay?" He said.

Ember nodded, smiling brightly.

Dad's smile returned.

"Good then. Now, the guild wants to meet you, and I'm pretty sure that bear that Alaska is holding isn't going to cuddle itself," he joked, gesturing to me.

Ember turned to me and I gave it to her. She looked at it for a few minutes and then hugged it, like she would never let go.

"It's scent . . . it smells like family. MY family," she said, smiling up at us.

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not Sequel: The Dragon's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now