Chapter 12:

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Ember had a look of fear in her eyes as Mom growled. Almost like she was scared Mom was going to hurt her for not telling us. She started trembling and stepped back. Mom noticed and stopped.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. I'm not angry at you, I'm angry at your father. He's the one responsible, right?" she asked her. Ember nodded. Mom hugged her through the bars and Ember collapsed into her, like she was tired.

"How many times has he hit you?" I asked.

"I-I don't know. I've lost count," she whispered.

"Do you remember when the first time he hit you was?" Mom asked softly.

"A few weeks after my mom passed. He doesn't allow any mention of her, and when I spoke her name, he just . . . went crazy. Beat me until I almost passed out. I had to drag myself to my room to clean my injuries." She told us.

Mom's eyes widened. "Just like me, huh?" she mumbled. Ember didn't hear, but I did. I gave her a look that asked to tell me later, she nodded a little.

"I know, honey. I know it hurts to feel like your father doesn't love you. It hurts, doesn't it?" She said while hugging Ember.

Tears started running down Ember's face. "I-It does. It really does. It's like he only cared for me when Mom was with us."

Mom ran her hand through Ember's hair, pulling her head over her shoulder so she can cry. Ember hugged her tighter. I watched them with a sympathetic but guilty look. Ember hasn't had a mother or even a good father in about 10 years, yet I've been living happily with both parents all this time. As much as I tried, I just couldn't imagine what she felt like, and I hated but was glad that I couldn't at the same time. They stayed like that for awhile. I then got an idea.

"When we get out of here. We are taking you with us." I decided.

Ember pulled apart from Mom and looked at me.

"I-I want to. I really do, but . . ." She trailed off.

"He's still your father. You don't want to leave him because you still remember when he was so kind to you. You remember the happy moments you guys had, and hope that you can have those moments again. That's what's keeping you here, isn't it?" Mom asked.

"Yeah. I can't leave him. I know he still loves me, I know it. If I leave him then he won't have anyone else left. Even if he's done horrible things to me and others, what kind of daughter would I be if I just left him?" Ember said, crying some more. Mom just nodded in understanding. I began to feel bad for even mentioning it. It must be hard enough for her already.

"I'm sorry for keeping this from you guys, You really are wonderful people! I just- I'm too scared to let you go. Father will be terrifying if you escape. He'll be furious. I'm truly sorry!" She apologized.

"Shh, I know. I wouldn't ask you to do anything to risk your safety when I know there's another way. We will find that way, and if you decide to leave with us, then you have every right to and we won't stop you." Mom said. I agreed.

She smiled. "Thank you. Thank you so much!"

I never knew a little girl could be so broken. By her own father too. How could anyone be that evil? What kind of horrible thing led Natsu to be so terrible towards her? Mom described him to be amazing before he changed. What could possibly cause him to change so much? It didn't seem possible. As I watched her cry out of both happiness and sadness, I couldn't help but feel the need to protect her. This young, innocent girl who had done nothing wrong, and yet had been hurt so bad. I could now see the faint scars on her legs and arms. They were probably all over her body, untreated but still bearable. I would now consider her a sister. My own little sister. I really hoped she would come with us when we escape this place. I want her to meet Silver when he's born. I want her to meet Dad, and Aunt Erza, and Gramps, and everyone else in Fairy Tail and the other guilds. She deserved as much happiness as she wanted and that we could give her. She deserved that and much more.

A few days later:

We've found out Ember is 12 years old. Her birthday is actually a few months from now according to her. She said that her birthdays would usually start with Natsu yelling at her. What a wonderful thing to start the day, right? Note the sarcasm. It sounds like he treats her the worst on her birthday. It's like he's trying to remind her that the day she was born was a horrible day, by treating her horribly. It's disgusting.

Natsu came down here again. We acted normal, despite the fact we knew what he was doing to Ember. We knew that if he figured out we knew he was abusing her, he would beat her more because she told us. She says that it's not really rare for her to wake up in his "office" with bruises and scratches because she had passed out during it, so we didn't want to imagine how worse it would be.

"So, are you two ready to give in yet? Or do we have to do it the hard way?" He asked.

Mom scoffed at him. "Over my dead body, which I know you can't afford to have."

He narrowed his eyes at her response but then smiled. It was surprisingly goofy, like he was laughing with friends. Mom's eyes widened at his smile.

"Aw, come on Luce. Don't you want to have fun and go on adventures with me again? It will be like the old times, except I'll be your mate instead of your best friend! I can even bring Happy here if you want. It will be just us 3 again." He said.

Mom got angry. "You said 3. What about Alaska? Or Ember? What will happen to them?" She asked, mad.

"Well I won't need them anymore once I have you. They can go back to Fairy Tail for all I care. Ice Freak can even adopt the little brat. I heard a rumor, actually." He said, his smile turning into an evil grin.

"And what would that be?" Mom asked rudely. She wasn't having his tone.

"That you're pregnant. You know, I've always wanted a boy. We could raise him together instead of raising him with Gray. Now, I know he won't have my blood, but I'll love him just the same if it's with you," He said to her.

Mom's eyes widened in horror, and Ember looked extremely hurt and worried.

"You will NOT touch Silver, and you will not harm anyone else!" Mom yelled at him, "You've hurt us enough as it is. What makes you think I would even stay with you?!"

"I have my ways, Luce. Ember, it's time for our meeting. Come on, we have things to discuss." He said harshly. Ember nodded and followed him, secretly giving us a scared look as she exited the cell area.

"We have to get out of here, Alaska. His patience is running thin. He's going to perform the ritual soon, whether we are willing to or not. We have to escape, and we have to take Ember with us."

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not Sequel: The Dragon's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now