Chapter 17:

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I thought for a minute.

"Well, Mom mentioned that you and the black wizard Zeref, have it. She also said it has another name." I said.

"Do you know what that name is?" She asked me.

"The Curse of Ankhserham. Also known as the Curse of Contradiction," I said.

"Correct! Do you know what it does?" She asked.

"No. Mom wouldn't tell me."

"The Curse of Contradiction. The name describes what the curse is. It's a form of black magic, death magic. Those who have the curse are force to endure an awful fate. The more you value life, the more life you take from around you. If you don't value life at all, then nothing dies. It kills animals, plants, and even humans. It also makes the user immortal. Even if your head was to be cut off, you wouldn't die." First Master explained.

"That . . . That's horrible!" I yelled.

"Yes, I know. Since I am a spirit, the spell does not affect anyone or anything. I received this curse when I was thirteen years old, so I have remained in my thirteen year old body, because you stop aging when you have the curse. That's why I look like a child, when I'm actually hundreds of years old." She told me.

"Wait . . . I casted an unperfected spell. And you are telling me about this curse. Is this a consequence of using a powerful spell that I haven't mastered? Do I have the Curse of Contradiction?!" I panicked, crying.

I didn't think the consequences would be this bad! I'm going to outlive my parents! My friends and family will die, and I'll be left alone!!

"I'm afraid you do. If anyone but me comes near you, they will die. That's why everyone is staying 10 feet away. I will put a barrier around you that will keep the black magic in. That way you won't kill anyone unless you have outbursts. This is powerful magic, it will outburst at some times, and anything within the radius will wither and die."

I looked down and thought about what I was just told. I wouldn't kill anyone unless the curse had an outburst. Can I still use my magic? Mavis can, but she's a spirit and I'm not.

"Can I still use my magic?" I asked her.

"Yes. Your devil slayer magic should still work. I'm not sure about your celestial spirits. They are of light magic, so the curse may block it because it's black magic. Aa far as I know, there aren't any records of a celestial mage having this curse." She answered.

"Wait, the spirits should be fine around me because they can't die!" I thought out loud.

Mavis took this into consideration. "Yes, possibly. You may not be able to summon them, but they should be able to be around you and touch you."

"Is there ANY way around this curse? Maybe getting rid of it?" Mom asked.

"It's a long shot, but there is a way. Before Zeref got cursed, he was researching ways to bring Natsu back to life. Natsu is Zeref's little brother, who died along with their family in a fire when they were kids. During his research, he found out that a special substance made from Tenrou leaves can cure the curse. He found out they were only on Tenrou Island, but he developed the curse himself, which kept him from retrieving them since he would kill the tree if he touched it. If I get some of those leaves and make the substance, you won't have the curse anymore. I'm not even sure if his research was true, so that's why it's a long shot." Mavis explained o me.

"How long will it take to get them?" Mom asked.

"The leaves are on the top of the tree. I have to climb to the very top, which will take a few days or so to do since it's a huge tree. I should be back with the leaves by the end of the week." She responded.

"Please do it! I want to be there when Ember gets out of the hospital. I want to see my little brother's birth! I want to hug my parents and my friends! I just . . . I just want to be able to die. What's the point of living if you can't die? What's the point of living if you outlive the people you love, never seeing them again once they die," I said.

First Master smiled softly at me. "It's amazing that a person as young as you, knows the true value of life. Although I assume you truly knew the value, once you saw Ember almost die. That just makes the curse more effective, unfortunately. I'll leave right now to bring them back. Third Master, please keep the others away from the infirmary. She could have an outburst at any time, and it's quick so anyone around her won't have much time to get out of the radius."

"Yes, First Master," he replied.

"I guess it does make sense they are on Tenrou Island," Aunt Levy mentioned.

"I agree with Levy," Mom added.

"How so?"

"Any members of Fairy Tail who bear the emblem cannot die while on Tenrou Island. So it is basically an island of life. Life is the opposite of death, which is the type of magic this curse is. Something that can reverse the affects of a death curse, would obviously be on an island of life." Mom explained.

First Master nodded thoughtfully, "Yes, that's a wonderful observation of this!" She said smiling, "Well then I must get going. The quicker I get the leaves, the quicker we can destroy the curse put on Alaska!"

With that, she disappeared. Everyone was going to leave, but I called Mom before she did too.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Can you summon Loke for me?I'm sorry if it will use up all of your magic, but I don't want to get lonely," I said.

She smiled as me. "Of course, honey."

She summoned Loke and left.

He appeared from the gold sparkles that followed the ding dong sound.

"The curse of Contradiction, huh?" He said. I nodded. He came over and hugged me, trying to comfort me. I tensed, remembering what First Master said.

"We spirits cannot die, remember? The curse won't affect us at all. We'll never leave you, Alaska," he said.

"Thank you!" I told him. I hugged him harder.

I noticed someone else in the room.

Reiki hasn't left yet.

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not Sequel: The Dragon's RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now