I Trusted You!

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Requested by Mayataylor786


Warning: throwing up


Whenever they went somewhere new to shoot a show, they always had to have food from the nearby restaurants. While it was usually fun, sometimes they ended up getting sick. Very rarely. But sometimes.

Jungkook was the unfortunate victim this time. He didn't know exactly what had caused it, but he certainly felt awful. He had woken up one morning with a bit of a fever and later on, he had started throwing up, which was agonizing for him. Not only did he hate throwing up but he also couldn't participate in the show.

He asked the managers if they could delay the shooting, but they were like, "Noo, we have to do it now or else [insert ridiculous excuse here]!"

Anyway, Jungkook figured that one of the others could stay with him. The members were worried about him. He didn't get this sick very frequently, so hopefully they would care...?

Jungkook usually liked it when Jin stayed with him. Jin had a sarcastic - almost annoying - streak to him at other times, but whenever it came to caring for one of the members, Jin was one of the best. He knew what to do, what to say, and how to provide comfort. Jungkook preferred Jin over all the others. Not like he didn't like the others, he was just more comfortable around Jin.

Jungkook asked Jin if he could stay with him while the others went to the shoot. Jin had said yes. He said that he would be at the hotel with Jungkook for the entire day.

He said he would be there. He said he would be. He promised.

But when Jungkook woke up, he was alone in his hotel room except for Sejin. Jin had left, just like all the others. And Jungkook wasn't very comfortable being sick and throwing up in front of Sejin.


"Yes? Jin, so early in the morning?" The manager asked.

"Yeah, so I was hoping that... I could stay with Jungkook-"


Jin tried to argue. "But he asked me and I said-"

"It doesn't matter what he said, you need to come to the shooting and do your job."

"Just this one day, please."

"No, it's not happening."

"... but please-"

The manager frowned. "How many times do you want to hear it Seokjin? I said no. You're coming with us to film the show. Jungkook can stay by himself in the hotel... well, Sejin can be there. He's a grown man, he can take care of himself. You're not staying with him. Got it?"


"Got it?"

Jin sighed, knowing that there was nothing else that he could do. "Yes, I got it."

Instantly, the manager was all smiles with him. Seeing that, Jin started to get angry. He left the makeshift office before he did something he would regret. 

Gosh, it wasn't so hard. Taking one day off wouldn't upset the whole show. Plus, at the back of his mind, Jin wanted to be there for Jungkook. Yes, he was a grown man but he also got sensitive when he got sick, and Jin wanted to be there and... the worst part of it all was that Jungkook had begged him to stay. Shouldn't Jin be there then? 

He shuffled down the hallway and ran into Hoseok. 

"Oh, hey," the dancer said. He forced a smile at Jin. "You're up so early?"

Jungkook Oneshots and SickficsWhere stories live. Discover now