Attack on Jungkook

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Requested by @chromik23


Knowing it wasn't needed most days, Jungkook wasn't too concerned when he discovered that he had forgotten his asthma inhaler at home. His asthma wasn't all that severe anyway, he swore he hadn't used that inhaler in over two weeks.

He didn't dare tell the other members. They would definitely scold him and one of them would probably ask Sejin if they could go back and get it for the maknae. Yoongi would probably even give Jungkook a long lecture about safety. The hyungs worried too much about everything.

All Jungkook was doing was saving them from worrying right?

Anyway, Hoseok looked a bit cross today. He had gone drinking before and it showed. He kept rubbing his eyes and hanging his head in exhaustion. Jimin was too busy laughing at him to care about his feelings.

"You can't even handle two sips of alcohol, why did you drink that much?" Yoongi scoffed.

"I'm sorry, okay!" Hoseok yelled.

Yoongi backed up, bringing his hands up in surrender which earned a laugh from Jin.

"And who says that I can't drink?!" Hoseok mumbled after a while.

Tae giggled. Nobody was doing any practicing because of poor Hoseok's antics.

"We do. And so do the entirety of ARMY."

The dancer's face turned bright red while the others laughed. Hoseok looked up at the ceiling before sitting down on the ground and groaning loudly.

"We should practice." he mumbled quietly.

Yoongi smirked. "Are you even capable of that?"

Hoseok glared at him. He got to his feet, running over to the music player in the corner to turn on Not Today. The music blasted out loudly and the members, though grumbling, got into their positions.

"What are the words again?" Yoongi mumbled.

"Part of it is 'No, not today, no, no, no,'" Tae said helpfully.

"Thanks, that's very helpful." Yoongi grumbled.

Jimin tripped over Namjoon who was sticking his foot out. The leader apologized profusely. The mochi shook his head, accidentally bumping into Jin as he stood up. Jin's expression looked like Jimin had just personally offended him and he stepped out of the formation, refusing to dance.

"We look great!" Hoseok drunkenly cheered.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. He glanced at Tae who met his gaze and they exchanged a look of doubt. All of the members were stumbling over each other, messing up the choreography and forgetting the lyrics, but for once the dance captain Hoseok was satisfied. Well, two things couldn't happen at the same time.

"Hey, Jin get back in here!"

The eldest grumbled but took his position at the back. Jin hated Not Today for obvious reasons. The members avoided watching the MV or talking about the line distribution. The discussions usually ended in Jin storming off to his room in anger and then the whole group's atmosphere would be strained for a few days. Why Hoseok had even turned on this song was a mystery to Jungkook, but Jin didn't look too disturbed - as of yet.

Hoseok was probably enjoying this more than any of the members.

In spite of their indifferent attitudes and lazy dancing, all of them were breathing heavily by the end of the song. Jungkook dropped to the floor, panting, the others following suite. The maknae could feel his body radiating heat, making him feel more uncomfortable. He stripped off his sweater and threw it to the corner of the studio. Laying back down on the ground, he breathed in and out, trying to catch his breath.

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