Deadly Schedule Change

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Requested by @chinanagomaru

this might be medically inaccurate, im not sure


Really, Jungkook had no problems. He still remembered the way the others had looked when they found out that he had diabetes. For a while, they treated him like he was a fragile ill creature who could do nothing by himself. Jungkook got so mad at that. He still felt angry when he thought about it. He wasn't a broken machine, he was alright. His diabetes was under control. He took his insulin just like the doctor told him to, he went for his regular checkups, and tried his best to maintain a healthy lifestyle. He was alright. He was fine.

The members did still look out for him. Jungkook was okay with them being careful, but not overprotective. They made him eat his meals at proper times and made him check his blood sugar levels regularly.

Jungkook had made sure to be careful his entire life. He hadn't ever been seriously sick because of his diabetes. Even when he was tour, he didn't succumb to his laziness. The last thing he needed was to require a hospital because he didn't take his medication. No, he was perfectly responsible and aware of his condition.

Nothing bad had ever happened to him. But that was about to change.


"Our schedule was made up by someone different?" Hoseok asked.

Namjoon nodded. "The usual team didn't do it for whatever reason, so... they got someone else to do it."


"It's not that big of a change. We're just having our meals at a different time," Yoongi said. "Our dance practice starts a bit later, so it's ending a bit later too."

"So we can have breakfast a bit later too?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah," Yoongi said. "We can wake up a bit later, but we need to stay up for longer."

Namjoon sighed, shaking his head. "I don't like the fact that we're ending our schedules at 10:30, but there's nothing I can say about it."

"Is Jungkook going to be okay?" Yoongi asked. "Doesn't he have to have his meals at a certain time or-"

"Oh..." Namjoon sighed. "Right. I don't know if we can change these plans anymore, but I can talk to him and we can sort something out. He'll know how to deal with this better than I can."


Jimin looked a bit worried. "What do you mean by talk to him? What will he come up with?"

"I mean... maybe, maybe he can come up with... maybe he can take some small breaks so he can have his meal. It's a bit inconvenient, but whatever works for him would be good. I don't, I don't think anybody wants anything bad to happen," Namjoon said. He looked up at the others who were starting to look more worried. "Don't worry! Jungkook will be fine! He'll know what to do!"

Yoongi sighed and nodded. "Namjoon's right. It's not like he doesn't know how to take care of himself. Calm down everyone."


"Don't worry." Jungkook waved his arm. "I know what I'm going to do. I'll take a few breaks to have my meals at the regular times. While you guys are having your lunches, I'll make up for my lost time."

"You sure you'll remember to do that every day?" Hoseok asked. "You forget things quite easily, may I remind you."

Jungkook shook his head, a small smile coming to his lips. "Everything's going to be okay. I'm going to tell the managers so they're aware. If I forget, they can remind me."

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