Overdosing on Anxiety

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Requested by @nephilim_Guk

Warning: contains overdoses


It was right before the comeback last year that Jungkook started to have panic attacks. Unable to sleep as he sobbed, the only thoughts that circled through his mind were how he was going to mess up and how the fans would hate him. Jungkook always had lots of lines - something that always made him get overwhelmed.

After weeks of getting no sleep and practically sleep-dancing at the concerts, the company had forced Jungkook to go to the doctor. The maknae had forced Hoseok to come with him, and together they had come up with a solution.

Some medication, for his insomnia, and therapy for his anxiety would work wonders for him. Jungkook would take it if he felt like he needed it.

Looking back, that was one of the most stupid agreements that Jungkook had agreed to. The therapy part worked great. His panic attacks lessened and he could manage to perform without having his hands shake the whole time throughout. But the medication? It didn't make the cut.

Instead of helping him sleep, it was doing the opposite. Jungkook took a couple before bed and woke up in the middle of night several times to take more. By the next morning, he had finished a whole bottle.

His hyungs knew that he had a problem, but since they all had their own rooms now, nobody knew exactly what was bothering their maknae. Jungkook had even stopped camping out with the others at nighttime, further increasing their suspicion that something was wrong.

Jungkook didn't want anybody to know. He felt that he could handle this little thing by himself, and nothing would ever come of it.

Only time would tell what Jungkook's addiction could do to him.


A practice had just ended. They had another one starting in two hours, so Jungkook and the other two maknaes decided to go back to the dorms to rest while the other members stayed at the studio.

The first thing that Jungkook did when he reached his room was change into his pajamas. He wanted to sleep more than anything.

"Hey, do you want to play Overwatch with me?" Tae was at the door, a hopeful look on his face.

Jungkook shook his head. "I'm tired."

"You're always tired these days!" Tae yelled angrily. "Do you not want to hang out with us now?"

The maknae whipped around to face Tae. His lip curled in distaste. "Yeah, I don't want to hang out if you talk like that, go and play video games by yourself!"

Ignoring the look of shock on Tae's face, Jungkook pulled the covers off of his bed and slipped in. He mentally begged the second maknae to leave so he could take his sleeping pills in peace. The pills were the only thing that Jungkook looked forward to these days.

Tae didn't stick around for long. Soon after Jungkook laid down, the second maknae stormed off to his room, too angry to play Overwatch anymore. He muttered curses under his breath. Tae didn't understand why Jungkook had changed from a sweet and empathetic individual to one who didn't have any respect for his hyungs.

Jimin padded down the carpeted hallway with his clothes in hand. He had taken a shower. To tell the truth, he expected the two maknaes to be goofing around together (and getting on his nerves), so he got confused when he saw Tae run off to his room.

"What happened between you two?" Jimin yelled as he walked into the second maknae's room.

Tae only scowled angrily in response.

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