Paralyzed with Fear

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Requested by @X22rebel


For the past few weeks, Jungkook had been experiencing something which could only be described as terrifying. He would go to sleep, but then wake up in the middle of the night. He couldn't move his body at all. It was like his body was still asleep but his mind was wide awake. Those experiences were bad enough. He felt like he was frozen in place, his mind racing a million miles per hour while his body couldn't move an inch.

Then, just over a week ago, the hallucinations started. He would hear strange voices whispering random gibberish to him, someone humming weirdly familiar tunes, hissing noises seeming to come from his closet, but worse of all, he felt pressure on his chest, like someone - or something - was on top of him, clawing at him.

Jungkook had tried to scream bloody murder then, but he couldn't get anything out of his mouth.

It lasted only about three minutes, but it terrified Jungkook to the point where he thought about it the whole day. He dreaded sleeping. He knew he was hallucinating, there was no way that his room was haunted.

He tried to make up excuses to sleep beside the others for the next few nights, but then he got embarrassed when the episodes happened when they were there. Jimin found out what was going on when that had happened. He had gotten worried about the maknae, but Jungkook reassured him that the episodes only happened once in a while.

Then, of course, Jimin had gone and told the others about what had happened and now the whole group knew about the episodes. Yoongi had concluded that Jungkook had some form of sleep paralysis and told him to get at least eight hours of sleep at night. He forced the maknae to go to sleep by ten so he would be well-rested for the next day. Apparently, the rapper had read somewhere that getting a good amount of rest reduced the number and severity of the episodes. So at the beginning Jungkook had gotten very excited because he wholly believed that he would finally start getting better sleep... but it hadn't worked. 

Nothing had really changed other than the fact that the others believed that Jungkook was alright now. He had told them that the episodes had stopped so they wouldn't worry anymore. 

But now he had a big problem on his hands. 


The sleep that he got now was patchy at best. He was terrified of going to sleep now and chose to spend many night staying completely awake. It wasn't the greatest idea. He would only go so far with caffeine and lies. Sometimes, he ended up falling asleep while trying to stay awake by watching videos on his phone and then woke up while hearing the terrifying hissing noise creep closer to his ear. The others weren't stupid, they knew by looking at the large dark circles around Jungkook's eyes that he wasn't sleeping properly, but they didn't address it directly. 

Then their concerts came up. They were going overseas to a smaller city in Japan to perform for a small group of fans. Whenever they went to that city they always stayed in a very specific hotel. They were friends with the owner, and so it was a tradition to always book rooms there. 

This time, however, there weren't enough rooms free for them to have their own rooms. Sejin suggested they go to a different hotel but all the boys killed that idea pretty quickly. There were only four rooms available, so the members chose to share their rooms. It wasn't that novel of an idea, they had all had roommates before, this time it was just going to be like that. Only one person was able to have their own room, so they used a random picker and of course Jungkook didn't win. Namjoon won, him having his own little party when he found out. The others were happy as well - they wouldn't have to deal with Namjoon's famous snoring in the middle of the night. 

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