Tossing and Turning

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Requested by Bts_stan110


A few months ago, the members had decided to switch up the rooms. Jungkook got Yoongi as his roommate, Namjoon got Hoseok, Taehyung got Jimin, and Jin got the solo room.

Jungkook was sad to see his solo room go. He had been used to its increased privacy for so long that Yoongi's presence was scary at times. He felt he had to be careful more. He couldn't sing his heart out in the shower like he used to, he couldn't change in his room, just small things like that.

But at the same time, he liked having Yoongi in his room. Yoongi was calm and quiet and didn't raise a fuss about anything. Jungkook also felt a sense of companionship with him. He felt like he could tell him anything and Yoongi would understand.

He felt less alone at night. He knew someone was always there for him.


Jungkook had to give it to himself: his stress management strategies were nonexistent. He couldn't handle lots of work without succumbing to unhealthy habits. He slept less, his diet got unhealthy, he didn't drink water, there were a wide range of things that he conveniently forgot to do. Most things were done last minute.

Now, those times were coming back. A comeback was on the horizon and the frantic running around and panicking was just beginning to rise. Jungkook decided from very early on that he was going to work very hard from the beginning so he wouldn't procrastinate.

He spent nearly one hour making himself a handy little schedule. He would have to follow it for nearly two months, but it would be worth it. He could work fourteen hours a day, every day right?

There was so much practicing to do, so many things to learn and memorize. Jungkook needed to do that now.


"Why oh why are you working this hard?" Yoongi asked. "Whenever I see you, you're writing this, doing that... why? Jungkook, there is no need-"

"No, no, but there is!" Jungkook said. "I need to get these lyrics done so I'll have time for vocal practice tonight."

"Jungkook, those lyrics aren't due for another two weeks."

"I know."

"So?" Yoongi furrowed his brow. "Why do you need to get that done now?"

"I just need to."


Yoongi sounded suspicious. Jungkook shivered. See, this is why he didn't like having a roommate. What he wanted to do or not do was his personal business. Yoongi shouldn't be sticking his nose into this.

"You do what you want to do, I'm not going to try and stop you," Yoongi said in a low voice. "Just don't overwork yourself."

"I won't." Jungkook forced a smile in Yoongi's direction. "I really won't."


Life continued. Jungkook stuck surprisingly well to his schedule. He woke up at five everyday and headed off to workout. Then he would grab his breakfast and head off to vocal practice. Lunch would follow. English classes and lyric writing was next. Then, dance class would start. Jungkook stayed until midnight, after all the members had left, so he could perfect the moves.

Five hours of sleep? Jungkook would live. He was living just fine right now.

He would be fine. He had the idea that Yoongi was concerned, but he wouldn't let that stop him.

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