Reaction: Paralyzed (The Value of a Seatbelt 2)

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Original request by @apollocampbell and StarryKimSeokjin

continuing on from The Value of a Seatbelt 1


A few weeks earlier, the members had been involved in a car crash. Pretty much all of them had been let off lightly, with a broken bone here or there, except one member: Jungkook. After a few scares coming from a supposed brain injury, he finally improved enough that the doctors could tell for sure what was going on with him.

Jungkook had an incomplete C4 spinal cord injury, meaning that he was paralyzed from his neck down. There was a chance that he could regain some motor and sensory functions. But right now, he couldn't really control his diaphragm so he needed ventilator support to breathe during the nights.

He had spent a lot of his conscious time thinking. And he felt a little lost. The doctors were saying that given his age and his health, Jungkook would get strong enough to live a mostly independent life. But the thing that bothered him was the fact that things had changed.

He wouldn't be able to dance on stage like he used to. He wondered if he was going to be able to sing. He couldn't draw. He couldn't do this, he couldn't do that.

But despite everything, Jungkook was happy that he was alive. He could still smell whenever Taehyung hadn't showered and the fresh air that streamed in through his hospital window. It sounded cheesy, but if he was dead, he couldn't be able to sense those.

Jungkook was happy to be alive. He was happy to be sitting upright in his hospital bed, with a bulky neck brace on that prevented him from slumping over.

He was okay. That's what mattered.

His family and some of his friends visited him frequently. The members hovered in and out. It was strange seeing them. Jungkook suddenly felt awkward around them. He preferred talking to his parents now; his mom had patiently listened to all of his rants.

Sejin was apologetic for what happened. Jungkook didn't care. It was too late for that.


"I think it would be best if we do the surgery," the doctor said.

Jungkook's dad nodded. He turned back to face the maknae.

The hospital staff were saying that it would be best if a diaphragmatic plication to help with his paralyzed diaphragm. Both sides of Jungkook's diaphragm was paralyzed and he had an extremely hard time breathing without a ventilator while lying flat.

The surgery involved making multiple stitches across the muscle and pulling it taut. It was minimally invasive so it wouldn't be more dangerous than it already was.

"Will he be able to sleep without that thing then?" his mom asked.

"Yeah, hopefully."

"What do you think Jungkook?" His mom turned to face the maknae.

"What do you think?" his dad asked his mom.

"I... I think he should get it because that's what the doctor is saying, but it is his decision."

Jungkook blinked. He already had an answer to the question.

"Yeah," he mumbled. He watched his mom smile lightly and nod. Jungkook couldn't see his dad because he couldn't turn his head, but he heard him mumble something.

"Okay," the doctor said. "I'll contact you within this next week and we can set a date and talk about any questions that you may have."

"Thank you!"

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