Bungee Jump Gone Wrong

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Requested by @Motame

Not a failed tag.

Ok I don't really know how bungee jumping works properly, in part cuz I've never done it, but hope you like it lol


"Not me." Hoseok shook his head firmly. "I'm not hanging by a thread in thin air again."

Jungkook tugged on his arm impatiently. "Please hyung? It will be fun, we can go after each other!"

"No, no, no. Ask Jin hyung instead."

"Me?" Jin squeaked from behind them. "I-I am too tired to go-"

"Jin hyung, you're up!" Jungkook lit up with a giant grin on his face.

Jin mumbled out a prayer before the maknae dragged him away to go buy the tickets to the bungee jump. Hoseok watched them with a faint smile on his face. Watching Jin freak out was going to be fun.

"Hobi!" Tae yelled.

The other members were walking in to the lobby, them immediately noticing that the eldest and youngest had gone to get tickets.

"Jungkook is going obviously, but Jin hyung?" Namjoon looked confused.

Jimin whipped out his phone and turned the camera on. "This will be gold!"

Tae and Hoseok laughed.

"Make sure to zoom into his face." Yoongi said in a monotone voice.

The others, giggling and laughing, watched as Jungkook and Jin came back from the ticket booth. In the maknae's hand were two white slips, the precious papers that would allow Jin and Jungkook to be thrown off a cliff.

"Hyung?" Namjoon asked Jin. "You agreed to do this something like this. . .?"

Jungkook nodded enthusiastically before Jin could even open his mouth.

Yoongi raised his eyebrow but said nothing.

Jin swallowed and his voice was dry when he spoke, "Jungkook forced me."


Bungee jumping is in the category of extreme sports and just the mere thought had Jungkook jumping for joy and Jin jumping for terror. The eldest and the youngest had many similarities, but this was certainly not one of them. Both of them had done it before, but only Jungkook had enjoyed it.

The sport involved slipping a cord around themselves and then jumping, freefalling, off a cliff or some high place head-first.


Jungkook grinned happily as he was hooked up to the ropes and harness. He noticed Jin's white face, and his smile widened. If the eldest was scared, that meant the jump was going to be exciting.

Hoseok gasped when Jungkook agreed to hang upside down to jump. They had heard that this was one of the scariest jumps in the world, but wasn't upside down a bit much? What if something went wrong?

The entire world flipped upside down for the maknae as he dangled in front of the members. He caught Jin and Hoseok's worried expressions staring at him in the midst.

The cool breeze tingled his skin. He suddenly felt hot in his clothing, the sun was way too bright. Trying to clear his thoughts, Jungkook waited to fall.

"3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . go!"

The rope let out.

Jungkook felt himself fall backwards. He braced himself for the wind to rush against his back.

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