Set Everything on Fire

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Requested by @CasloveDean


It was time for their performance. Jungkook followed the others as they headed towards the stage lifts. Beside them, other idols raced past through them to the dressing rooms. Jungkook recognized some of them, but most of them were brand new. That reminded him of how it already had been three years since they debuted.

The air smelled of sweat. Jungkook could imagine his own sweat rolling down his back after performing. His shirt would be wet, his limbs sore but feeling alive. He relished the feeling. One of the reasons why he loved to dance was because he wanted to feel his limbs hurt after an important performance. He felt like he had worked hard if he felt like that.

This performance would definitely give him that feeling. They were performing Fire, one of the most difficult choreographies they did. Just practicing it once made Jungkook get out of breath. Now, dancing in front of the huge crowd had his skin tingling with excitement. They worked hard for this show.

"We can do it!" Namjoon whisper-yelled as they reached the stage lifts.

Hoseok shot all of them a supportive smile in turn. "Remember, just as we practiced."

Jungkook nodded, giving a tight-lipped smile to the members before he walked into his stage lift.

For this performance, they were supposed to go up on stage in individual stage lifts. They had practiced where each member was going to end up on the stage and where they were supposed to move hundreds of times. Jungkook could feel his adrenaline rising.

Muffled yells reached his ears. His stomach gave a little flip as he started going up. He couldn't make out anything clearly. Jungkook would never admit it, but the cramped space made him claustrophobic. He wanted to be on the stage already. Then he heard the MCs introduce their group.

"Bangtan Sonyeondan!"

A big grin spread across his face. He couldn't wait to hear the fans scream.


Kim Sung Joo grinned at the audience before taking a step backward. He had no idea that there were gaping holes in the stage caused by the stage lifts. Amidst the cheers of the audience, any cries of warning were drowned out.

He fell. Tumbling down the shaft, he realized that there must be nobody else down here to save him. Nevertheless, he screamed loudly. Hopefully somebody would hear him and get help.

He must've fallen nearly one and a half meters before he was aware that somebody was in the shaft below. It was a tall man, brown hair and a colourful outfit. He couldn't tell who exactly it was, but he was sure that it must be one of the BTS members who were performing next. Maybe, this guy would be able to catch him. He could only hope.

Jungkook looked up just in time to see somebody falling down the shaft from above. He let out a little cry, holding his arms up to catch the man, on an impulse. He wasn't even sure whether he would be able to bear his weight.

Sung Joo landed heavily in the maknae's arms. Jungkook cried out again - his wrist had banged hard against the wall. But the most important fact was that the MC was safe in his arms. Jungkook smiled politely to the man. He helped him stand properly.

"How..." Sung Joo caught his breath. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't aware that-"

"It's fine." Jungkook bowed.

Sung Joo smiled. "You're Jungkook-ssi right? I'm Kim Sung Joo. It was nice meeting you. This was an unexpected way of meeting, but... I think I have nothing else to say, thank you so much!"

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