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Requested by @X22rebel

Warning: throwing up


"Jimin you ready yet?" Taehyung yelled.


They were sitting in a dressing room, waiting to be called down to the interview room. It was in English. The members were all nervous for it. This time around, they had tried their best to learn some new English phrases.

Yoongi sighed, putting his hands over his ears jokingly. Hoseok giggled at him.

"You guys can calm down, you know?" Namjoon asked. "The interview doesn't start for another half an hour."

"It's not that easy to just calm down, I can't just tell my body to just stop stressing out, it's not easy-"

"You know what he meant Jin, now shut up," Yoongi said.

"It's Jin hyung."

"Jin Jin Jin!" Taehyung said loudly.

The eldest made a face. "Shut up will you?"


Jin rolled his eyes, leaning back. "Why in the world do I put up with all this disrespect?"

"I don't know..." Yoongi's voice trailed off as his gaze landed on Jungkook. His expression changed. "Kook, are you alright?"

Jungkook, who had been quietly sitting on his own in the corner, nodded. "I'm fine hyung."

Jin whirled around from his spot on the couch. "What's going on?"


Jungkook smiled convincingly. His stomach hurt quite a bit, but he wasn't about to tell the others. It wasn't a big deal anyway. It had, though, been going on for a few days. At the back of his mind, he was scared that he had a serious problem, but it was probably him being super irrational. Maybe the takeout he had had last night wasn't good. It wasn't such a big deal.

"Are you sure you're alright? Is something bothering you?" Yoongi asked.

"No, I'm fine hyung, don't worry."

"Okay..." the rapper said. "If anything happens, feel free to tell me okay?"

Maybe it would be best if I did tell them? Maybe they could give me some painkillers and maybe I wouldn't have to worry so much about it anymore-

"Jungkook?" Jin asked worriedly. "You good? You spaced out for a second there."

Nodding quickly, the maknae said, "I'm fine, my stomach just hurts a bit."

The fat really went into the fire then. The other members instantly stopped joking around and glanced at Jungkook worriedly.

"Do you think you'll be able to do the interview?" Hoseok asked.

"Yeah, definitely!" Jungkook exclaimed. They had prepared for this interview for a long time and he wasn't just going to sit out because his stomach hurt.

"Will painkillers help?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook nodded. "Do you have some? That will help a lot."

"I have..." Hoseok took out a pouch out of his bag, taking some pills out. He was always the prepared one. "...some... here!"

Jungkook took the pills and gulped down water from the water bottle he had been given.

"I'll be fine guys," he said to the others. "This isn't a big deal."

If only.


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