Is Shaking Okay? 2

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Original request by @The_Immature_One

Part 2 request by love_bts_39


It wasn't such a big deal after all. Jungkook's current medication wasn't strong enough for his epilepsy so he had to get some new ones.

Of course, that meant the others wouldn't let him get a glass of water for himself. Every single minute of the day, somebody was with him.

The hard part for Jungkook was getting used to his new medications and find out if they worked or not. He felt utterly useless, unable to do anything because his hyungs were so overprotective.

But really, he was thankful.


Jungkook groaned. An aura was lighting up in front of him. He knew what that meant - he was going to have a seizure soon. Yoongi, who was with him, immediately raised his head.

"What's wrong? Do you feel sick?" the rapper asked.

"No, it's not that..." Jungkook mumbled. He lay down on the couch, suddenly scared of what his seizures caused him to do. That's why he was so embarrassed of his seizures. He lost control of his body and had to rely on others to keep him safe. Imagine yourself losing control of yourself, just the thought of it is scary.

Yoongi hummed. One glance at Jungkook and he knew exactly what was going to happen. The maknae's eyes were slightly glassy, a telltale sign of an oncoming seizure.

"Just lay down okay? You're going to be alright. I'm here with you Kookie." the rapper wasn't one for using micknames but he felt like it was necessary now.

"Hyung, I'm going to be fine..." Jungkook's words were slurred, too slurred to make sense to anybody.

Yoongi stood right beside the maknae as he started seizing. The rapper was terrified, not at Jungkook but for him. He couldn't imagine what having a seizure was like, but it didn't look fun.

"Hey, Jin!" Yoongi called out. "Can you come over here?"

Jin popped his head through the door frame, eyes widening when he saw Jungkook. "This is the third time today that he's going through that!"

Yoongi sighed. He casted his eyes downwards. It hurt to see Jungkook like this.

In a low voice, he said, "Do you think we should take him to the hospital? Maybe they could tweak the medications a bit so he doesn't have this many in a day."

Jin nodded. "I'll tell Sejin hyung. Get ready to go soon."


Jungkook stared at the ceiling as endless questions got thrown at him, Yoongi and Jin. He wondered if doctors ever got tired of asking the same things over and over again.

He felt okay right now. Maybe a bit shaky, but okay. He could be worse.

The medication hadn't been strong enough. Worst of all, it had came with a host of side effects. That explained the repetitive auras. It completely messed up Jungkook.

They got a new combination of medication for the maknae. He had to also try out the ketogenic diet. Jungkook had had to live with that diet way back when he was in elementary school. His epilepsy had improved since then and he hadn't needed it since.

But now it was getting worse.

If Jungkook hated anything, it must be that diet. This restriction, that restriction, it was enough to drive him crazy. Any other diet, such as a weight loss one, had a clear goal. If he avoided sugary snacks and foods with a large amount of saturated fats, Jungkook would get the abs that ARMYs were crazy about. He liked hearing the screams when he lifted his shirt. Oh, he was no longer the innocent maknae, he deserved the title "International Playboy" so very well.

But the ketogenic diet was different. It was there so Jungkook wasn't reduced to a seizing, drooling mess. He hated it so much.

But he had to follow it. He didn't want to burden his hyungs any more than he already had. 

It was embarrassing really. Jungkook was a grown man, and here he was needing someone to take care of him. The maknae didn't want to think of himself as weak but he knew that he himself was one of the weakest people on the planet. There were days he couldn't even hold up the chopsticks to feed himself! 

Jin tapped him on the shoulder, handing him a piece of paper with the meal plans written on it. All of the foods had to high in fat, so the body would be forced to burn mainly fat instead of carbs and that would reduce the amount of seizures that Jungkook would have to go through. 

"Thank you, let's go now." Yoongi said in a soft voice to the doctor. The three of them stood up to leave. Jungkook was the first one to walk out of the door. He was tempted to throw the paper into the trash, maybe then nobody would force him to follow the diet, but thought better of it in the end. This diet was being given to him so he would get better. Hopefully he would recover quickly, and he could eat whatever he wanted. Though the maknae was frustrated that he wouldn't be able to eat cake for a while, he forced himself to take a deep breath. Everything would be fixed. He would recover. It just took a bit of time. 

"Kook, you know that you can't just go off like that right?" Yoongi yelled. The two eldest members ran up to Jungkook from the doctor's room. Both of them looked worried. They knew how much the maknae hated being the patient. 

Jungkook shook his head. "I know." 

"Hey," Jin swept the fringe out of the maknae's eyes. "It will be over soon. I know it's hard, but it'll be over soon."

Lip curling in fear, the maknae said, "It's quite easy for you to say that actually. You're not the one going through this thing!"

"True..." Jin closed his eyes and sighed softly. 

Yoongi tugged on both Jungkook and Jin's sleeves to get them moving. "You guys are blocking the hallway, let's go home."

The maknae folded the piece of paper and stuffed it into his pocket as he lagged behind the other two. He wanted to forget that it existed. Maybe if he did, the others would as well. A small tear suddenly appeared in his eye and dripped down his face. He felt sick. What if his epilepsy wasn't controllable with the diet? Would he be kicked out of BTS then?

"What happened Kook?" Yoongi said. The rapper sidled up to walk beside him. He wrapped an arm around Jungkook's shoulders, holding onto his shirt. 

"Nothing, let's just go home."


No matter how much Jungkook hated to admit it, the diet really was working. He was starting to feel a bit better these days. The seizures kept coming but the post-seizure migraines weren't as debilitating. Sure, he did need some painkillers to keep him going, but for the most part, he was able to function afterwards. 

One of the most horrible parts of his diet was when Hoseok's birthday came around. The others were all hyped about getting a cake and celebrating, but poor Jungkook couldn't have a single piece. That's why the dancer opted not to get a cake and instead forced everybody to eat a tuna salad - something that the maknae could eat. Tae's complaining though... 

But in the end everybody had agreed. They didn't want their maknae to feel left out. 

More than anything, Jungkook just wanted to get back to normal. It would take time, but one day he would get better. 


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