Too Low

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Requested by JordanHearn1998


What time was it? Jungkook squinted at the clock. It must have been past two. He nearly started to cry. He must've started working on this music video seven hours ago, and he had only managed to get one minute edited. And the deadline was in two days. Jungkook still had to run it past all the members and the managers and the agency heads and the stylists and the directors and the (insert insane job title here). He needed to coordinate it all with their schedules.

Which just meant more work for him.

Don't get him wrong, he usually wasn't this much of a last-minute worker. But this time, it really hadn't been his fault. The sets weren't ready until a week ago. They had to film really quickly and Jungkook, who had wanted to do the editing, had to do his own job very quickly.

But then the camera's memory card wasn't compatible with his laptop, so he had to get a different cable (which, of course, took hours to find) and then his laptop died and he couldn't find the charger, and then, oh no, Jimin needed him to see that meme he'd sent right at that minute, and the list went on.

Jungkook took a deep breath. He felt the overwhelming edges of panic poke at him. They were trying to set his nerves on fire. He didn't know how much more of this stress he could take. One day, he would snap like a frozen twig and tumble to the ground.

His eyes were beginning to close. He decided to take a quick break. Jungkook shut his laptop down and placed his headphones on top of it. Taking his hoodie off, he curled up on the floor, using it as a pillow. His phone already had an alarm set. As soon as it went off, he would go back to work.


A sharp pinging filled the air. Jungkook practically screamed into his makeshift pillow. It wasn't fair. He had just closed his eyes! He had barely gotten any sleep.

But a promise was a promise. He slowly sat up, groaning. He turned on the light. His laptop was still laying on the same angle that he'd left it. Jungkook turned it on and started going through the same clips all over again. He was so tired.

This was so boring.

The transitions weren't lining up. The music wasn't matching the clips. Jungkook took off his headphones and hurled them across the room. They clattered against the doorframe with a satisfying clash. Jungkook smiled, despite himself. Then he remembered how much they had costed and the smile faded. He ran over to make sure they were alright.

Other than a slight chip of the paint on the top left side, everything else was alright. Jungkook sighed in relief.

He looked at his clock. It read four. In just three hours, he was going to have to get to practice. Today, they were going to go over stage positions. It was a fancy way of saying that they were going to stand on the stage while staff members ran around, yelled at them to move, and taped the spots where they stood. Jungkook hated just the thought of it.

It was disgusting.

He also was distantly aware of just how hungry he was. He hadn't had a meal in so long, and he'd been working non-stop. That was probably a bad thing.

But as Jungkook sat down with his headphones and resumed his work, there was little to no realization of that in his head. He just wanted to get everything done. Who cared about food anyway?



There was a knock at the door. Jungkook shot out of his chair. It was Namjoon.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2023 ⏰

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