The Boy Who Cried "I'm Sick!" 1

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Requested by ZarbafAhmed

warning: mentions of blood


No matter how many relaxation techniques he used, Jungkook always seemed to be on edge during tours. More so than the others. He took it way too seriously, he knew that. It was okay if he made a few mistakes here and there. Most of the fans didn't notice if he did, and even if they did, it was brushed aside and forgotten quite easily.

But there was this expectation, this pressure, from everyone around him to do well. Jungkook had worked hard for months in preparation of these concerts and he wanted to show everyone how much he had improved. There was a million things that needed to be right. And he wanted to be the one to get everything perfect.

The others tried to get him to calm down. Jin tried getting him to play games during the off-times. Jungkook was so frazzled that he lost every single time. He sometimes didn't get sleep at night, leaving him cranky and annoyed. He wasn't as fun to be with. It pissed everybody else off that he would sometimes start snapping at people left and right. Jungkook apologized later, but it wasn't the same.

That's why Yoongi came up with a plan. He would do something that would make Jungkook cheer the fuck up so he would be more like his excitable self. He told the others about it, and they had all agreed. He had told the staff members and medic about it, and they had all agreed. They said it was going to be funny to watch. Yoongi knew it would be.

Now he just had to wait for the concert on Friday. Jungkook was going to be exhausted after the show and that was just what he needed. Yoongi had everything planned. He just needed to carry it out.


"Yoongi hyung, you did great!" Jungkook called.

Yoongi staggered towards him, his expression clouded. He seemed to force a smile at Jungkook.

"Huh-" he took a deep breath- "Yeah! You too!"

Jungkook nodded.

Yoongi put his hand on the wall to steady himself. He gasped a few times.

"Hyung, are you alright?"

Yoongi didn't reply. His eyes were on the ground. Jungkook shook his head, gently putting his hand on the rapper's back.


"Yoongi hyung!"


Jungkook wordlessly grabbed Yoongi and stopped him from falling onto the floor. Yoongi's eyes were closing.


"Yoongi hyung!"

Taehyung sprinted out of one of the nearby change rooms, eyes widening when he saw Yoongi. "What happened to him?"

"I don't know! He seemed to be fine and then he just collapsed!"

Taehyung crouched down next to the two of them. He grabbed Yoongi's hand.

"Get him to the medic, now."

Jungkook nodded. "Now."

He lifted Yoongi bridal style and together, they hurried around, trying to find the medics. Yoongi made sure to keep his eyes tightly shut and his body limp. Jungkook had easily fallen into their trap. He was too gullible and naïve.

"I think their office is somewhere down here," Taehyung said. He led Jungkook towards the end of the hallway and into another dimly lit hallway. Jungkook held Yoongi tight. The rapper didn't move at all. With every step, Jungkook found himself getting more and more worried. In the second hallway, there were two rooms down there and they went into the first one.

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