Scary Tears

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Requested by @RosabethFern and nfrench6

warning: contains blood


Some people believed that crying blood only happened in the movies. But for the people who actually had haemolacria, it was a very real thing.

Jungkook was one of those people.

It wasn't like it was painful or scary for him. His face just started to feel wet.

He couldn't really control it either. Sometimes he would just be chilling and then he would randomly start tearing up.

It started when he was around eleven years old. Jungkook had had a bad headache, the kind where he couldn't go to school and only cry. After his mom gave him a few painkillers, he felt a lot better.

It started when he was taking a shower. He was rubbing shampoo into his hair, when he looked down and saw blood in the water. For a split second, he thought that maybe he was finally going to be able to relate to all those "girl problems" that he heard about. Then he realized that it was something else. The blood was coming from his eyes.

The hospital staff had done all kinds of tests on him. There wasn't a clear cause as to why it had started. His tear ducts weren't blocked.

Eventually, the doctors had concluded that it was caused by his fluctuating hormones or whatever and it would go away one day. But it never really did. And now Jungkook was stuck with it.

It was cool for some people. Some people really liked scaring others with their bloody tears. It was like something that was very edgy and cool. It was something that a rock star would do.

But Jungkook found it strangely humiliating in a way. He tried his best to hide them from his family members, friends, and his bandmates. Especially the latter. They didn't need to know.

But, eventually, they would come to know.


He groaned when he woke up. His hair was stuck to his sweaty forehead. His limbs felt like they weighed five tons. Jungkook suspected that he was sick but he hoped against hope that he wasn't.

Unfortunately, he was. When he checked his own temperature, it came back higher than 100°F. He was screwed. They had a comeback coming up and he needed to practice.

He decided that he would push through it. He had done it before and nothing big had really happened, other than the members scolding him a bit. But that wasn't a big deal.

The others didn't notice that something was off when he didn't eat as much as he usually did for breakfast.

Jungkook tried to be his cheerful self for the others. He made silly comments and made funny faces and the other members bought it.

"You're so funny Kook." Namjoon shook his head when he looked up from his phone.

"You think that's funny?" Yoongi asked. "I've known you for ten years Namjoon and I don't think you've ever said anything that stupid before!"

"All of you are so mean!" Hoseok said.

"What? What did I do?" Namjoon shook his head.

Jungkook giggled. He had a bad headache and he was shivering hard, but none of the others noticed anything.

Just how he liked it.

They would make him stay home if they found out.


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