Use Your Head

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Requested by calumsbass

warning: throwing up


In their latest Run episode, the members were playing floor hockey. The ones who won would get a free manga book collection of their choice and the ones who lost would have to wear funky shoes to the airport.

Jimin got to be the scorekeeper. He was guaranteed a win.

As per usual, Jungkook was being competitive. He would never go easy on the other team. He was going to win his manga collection.

Jungkook, Yoongi and Namjoon were in one team and Hoseok, Jin and Taehyung were in the other. Hoseok and Namjoon were the unofficial goalies, even though they were moving around a lot too.

Jimin was trying his best to provide commentary as well, even though most of it was just him giggling at Hoseok's expressions.

They had agreed that whoever got to five points first was the winner. So far, Jungkook's team had three points, while Taehyung's had two.

Jungkook was in the lead and intended to keep it that way.


Jungkook started backing up. He had tried to make a goal, but Hoseok had stopped it. Now Taehyung had the ball and was coming towards their side. Yoongi came up beside him, wielding his hockey stick.

They looked ridiculous.

Taehyung kept coming. Jungkook ran forward, trying to stop him. Their sticks clashed and the ball slid out of both of their grips. Jin came up on the side and got it.


"Oh." Yoongi went up to Jin and tried to block him. Namjoon kept his eyes on the ball, ready to stop it from going into the net.

Jungkook went around to where Yoongi was and tried to help him out. Jimin was saying something. Something funny apparently. Hoseok wasn't even paying attention, he was busy laughing at Jimin.

"Hey, can you at least.." Jin yelled.

"Get it, get it!"

Yoongi managed to get the ball away from Jin. He was pretty bad at using the hockey stick, but he was trying. Jungkook ran further from their net, right in the middle of the game area, so that Yoongi could pass it to him.

"Yoongi, Yoongi, here!"

"Huh?" Yoongi looked around for a second before spotting Jungkook. He whacked the ball towards him. Taehyung narrowly missed it. Jungkook got it and started to go towards Hoseok.

Hoseok wasn't laughing anymore. He nervously watched Jungkook get closer. He was ready to launch himself to defend the net, but thankfully, Taehyung got there.

Jin and Yoongi followed him. Namjoon left the net and went towards them, but didn't go as close. He wanted to be ready just in case the ball started heading his way again.

The wall was right next to them. The place where they were playing wasn't all that big and they had to be careful not to run into anything.

As Yoongi came up towards Jungkook, he tripped over his hockey stick. He crashed into Jungkook, who tumbled towards the wall. Taehyung pulled in shock. The ball drifted uselessly off to the side.

Jungkook slammed his head on the hall. His ears started ringing. A moment later, he was aware that he was laying on the ground, but he was unable to say anything. Hitting his head had knocked the wind out of him. A steady throb started up.

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