Taking Care of the Maknae

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Requested by LiuLufied

Little space!

Jinkook (platonic)

okay, some things got changed around because ArTiStIc LiCeNsE (aka me not knowing how to write lmao)


Ever since Jin had first met Jungkook, he knew there was something different about him. There were days when he was super friendly and others where he didn't talk at all and seemed more on the unfriendly side. But despite that, Jin and Jungkook managed to become friends.

They weren't super close. They were just two overworked college kids who happened to be flatmates. At least Jungkook didn't get drunk and run around naked or anything strange like that.

He was slightly shorter than Jin, liked working out and had big doe eyes. His front teeth were just a tad bit too big for his mouth, they always stuck out. He resembled a bunny at times. He was a year younger than Jin, but sometimes, he looked a lot younger.

Jungkook could be sweet at times. He took care of Jin when he was sick, worked out with him, cooked with him and once took him out to get blown at the weed store nearby. That was once. Jin was trying to be edgy. Jungkook probably smoked it, but Jin tried his best to stay away from it. He was here to get his degree, not to get addicted to weed.

But he could be strange at times too. He always slammed his laptop lid shut whenever Jin walked in, almost as if he was watching something he shouldn't have been watching. Jin really didn't care. If Jungkook spent his time watching porn, he couldn't care less. Like as was said before, Jin cared more for his degree than what his roommate did. Jungkook also got scared whenever Jin raised his voice.

It worried Jin a bit, but Jungkook never answered his concerned questions.

Even though Jin tried to not attach himself to anything too much, he made sure to look out for Jungkook. He tried to make sure that the younger knew how to cook. Jin made sure to invite him to any social gatherings that he went to. Jungkook didn't have many friends.

Jungkook never talked about his past.

He only listened to Jin's animated stories about what kind of fried chicken his mom used to buy him or how many clubs he used to join in high school. Jungkook never talked about anything.

Despite their differences, they got along. In between their assignments and exams, they sometimes hung out with the other students in their apartment. It was all good.


"Did you take the chicken out of the freezer?"


Jin walked over to the counter. "I told you to take the chicken out before dinner today!"

"I forgot, I'm sorry!" Jungkook said.

"You always seem to forget these things!" Jin yelled. "But whenever it comes to buying drugs, you always seem to remember exactly what to do!"

Jungkook stayed silent, lowering his head. His face started to turn red.

"So annoying, ugh..." Jin slammed the freezer door shut after taking out the frozen chicken. He wouldn't get to have supper early like he had wanted. He couldn't even trust his roommate with one simple task.

"I'm sorry!"

Jin looked up in surprise. Jungkook was standing upright, his fists balled by his sides. His face was beet red.

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