Unable to Sleep

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Requested by @VioletStar

Platonic Yoonkook


Everything was getting so difficult these days. With performances, interviews, photo shoots, etc. to prepare for and so little time to have to himself, Jungkook felt overwhelmed and stressed.

The one time when he felt no pressure to be the golden maknae was at nighttime. He could snuggle underneath the covers and fall asleep while hugging all his plushies to oblivion. Getting enough rest was crucial for him, otherwise he would feel sick and lethargic for the whole day.

Guess what? That's what exactly was happening to him now.

No matter how many times he tossed and turned at night or how many sheep he counted, nothing helped. The little pockets of sleep he got were so short that he felt neither refreshed or relaxed when he woke up. Night after night, the same story repeated itself. Jungkook felt like crying sometimes. He just wanted to fucking sleep, but he just couldn't. Forget taking pills, he didn't have any and he was too embarrassed to tell the others.

The whole ordeal left him feeling more exhausted, obviously, and emotional. Jungkook became more irritable and snapped at the others more often. It wasn't something he could just control. He was tired; all he wanted to do was sleep, he didn't feel like going to a restaurant with Jin or dancing with Jimin. He wanted to lay down in his bed and pull the blankets over his head and fall into the blissful world known as sleep.

The others, seeing all this, were starting to get a little worried. At first, some of them got a bit annoyed with how grumpy Jungkook had gotten. Jin sulked angrily when the maknae told him to leave after declining his invitation to go to the restaurant, but later realized that Jungkook normally would never reject something like that.

The others didn't know exactly what was wrong, after all, Jungkook had his own room now and stayed in it the whole night. They had no idea what was going on, but based on the symptoms that he was exhibiting, they kind of guessed that he wasn't getting enough sleep. Jungkook got irritable when he didn't get enough sleep. That was a given.

But it was a lot worse this time around, and Jungkook knew that. He had had times before where he couldn't sleep, but never before had it gone on for this long. The longest it had ever happened before was about two weeks. This time, it had already been four months and Jungkook was only getting fourteen to sixteen hours of sleep per week.

He was tired. Just dead tired.


"Hey, Kook, you alright?" Yoongi asked, wiping the sweat off his face.

Jungkook nodded. "I'm fine hyung, don't worry."

"You haven't gotten much sleep these days have you?" Yoongi's voice was soft, careful to not break the fragile atmosphere that hung around the air.

"Well, yeah..." Jungkook said. "But don't worry about it, I'm doing fine."

Yoongi sighed and watched in defeat as the maknae shuffled away to the water fountain. He knew Jungkook was doing fine. The rapper had sat down and watched the Euphoria performance from backstage and Jungkook had made virtually no mistakes. Sure, he stumbled here and there and relied on the backing track more heavily than before, but it wasn't something that the audience members wouldn't enjoy. They didn't even know that Jungkook was as exhausted as he was.

But Yoongi knew and he saw the way Jungkook clutched his head after finishing the performance and the way he struggled to walk down the stairs. Jungkook had needed the staff members to carry him down to the dressing room. That's why the rapper was worried.

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