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Requested by @X22rebel


Hoseok glared at Jungkook. The maknae stared blankly back at him, with no emotion whatsoever in his eyes.

"Do you not hear what I'm saying?!" the dancer shrieked all of a sudden. He stuck his face up close to Jungkook's. "Why don't you pay attention to anything I say?"

The maknae blinked a few minutes. He said in a slow voice, "Were you saying something hyung?"

"Was I saying something?" Hoseok snapped. "Yes, fucking yes, I was!"

Jungkook appeared to be unfazed. "What was it then? Could you repeat it?"

"I was asking if you could please pay attention to the things I'm saying about our upcoming performance!"

"Oh..." the maknae glanced around at the other members. They all looked exhausted after a whole day of individual schedules and practices. He didn't really know what had happened, other than the fact that he had lost focus for a few seconds. It was happening again, he knew. Jungkook wished he could just tell them, but he was scared that they would ridicule him for having such a condition. He sighed deeply and apologized. Yoongi grunted, a look of annoyance in his gaze.

"Just... Kook, you can at least pay attention to the things Hobi is saying. It's important. I know that whatever you're thinking of is probably more interesting, but performing is our job and we need to do it right." Jimin said in a soft voice.

Hoseok took a deep breath and opened his mouth again. "Now that we're all back again on this planet, I'll repeat everything I just said. After Namjoon leaves the stage following his verse, Jimin needs to come in through the right side. Not the left. You made that mistake today..."

Jungkook tried to focus his attention on the dancer's droning voice, but he kept slipping off like there was oil on his hands. His gaze became blank again.

"Okay, so Jungkook, do you know where to enter now?" Hoseok asked. The members looked at the maknae for the answer.

There was no answer from Jungkook. He only blinked a couple times, and in a few moments, said in a small voice, "What?"

Hoseok's face turned red. Without a word, he stormed out of the room and Jungkook could hear him slamming the door to his room shut. Jimin sighed.

The others, grumbling and complaining, left the room one by one. None of them bothered to turn and look at the maknae who was now more confused than ever. He simply hadn't heard what Hoseok had asked him, but when he tried to ask what it was, this happened.

"Dinner will be at 11, want to come?" Jin asked before he left with the others. The eldest didn't turn to look at him.

"Of course!"

Jungkook couldn't see his face, but he could picture the sneer on Jin's face as the eldest said, "Paying attention now, huh?"

Jin left the room without another word.

Sniffing, the maknae pulled up his knees and wrapped his arms around them. He felt a little dizzy. He had danced a lot today and if he didn't eat, he was probably going to collapse.

Uneasiness settled over him. The atmosphere at the dinner table would be strained as the members tried to chow down their food without making any eye contact. The silent treatment was going to be used over him again.

Jungkook knew, it was one of Hoseok's worst pet peeves to be downright ignored like that, but it wasn't like he was choosing to just ignore him. He did want to pay attention, he did want to know how the performance would play out.

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