Fear of Something Greater

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Requested by @Motame

More bungee jumping! This is sort of connected to the previous part, so you can read it to find out why Jungkook is scared of bungee jumping


Jungkook's team had lost the team-picking game and the punishment had been already dished out to them. The maknae's team had to bungee jump in the dark.

The rules of the game were quite simple: one team jumps while the other does one of BTS's choreographies. The whole team had to guess what dance the other team was doing. The hard part was, of course, managing to think clearly while hurtling through the air.

Jin, Namjoon and Jimin were in one team and Tae, Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook were stuck together.

This was going to be so fun.


Jin's face was white as he went up in the elevator, eyes widening when he found out he was going to be filmed the whole time.

"Stay calm." The staff said.

Jin blinked. "What?"

The jump looked higher than it did from the ground. The ledge was narrow, with handles on the side. Beyond that was nothing. Far, far below was a blue expanse of water surrounded by pretty little houses, looking like they had come right out of a dollhouse.

"I don't think I can do this."

Jin swallowed hard, closing his eyes and opening them again a couple times.


Mumbling gibberish, Jin grabbed the handles.


Before they could say the 1, Jin jumped. His hair blew in all directions.

"Eat Jin!" Jin's voice was barely distinguishable in the wind.

Jungkook and his team started doing the dance moves to Danger as Jin hung in the air. Hoseok messed up the steps a bit, as he shivered looking at the eldest.

"Whoa, relax there Hobi. It isn't even all that scary." Yoongi said.

Jungkook rolled his eyes. Hoseok was evidently thinking of the maknae's little mishap that had happened a few months earlier. He wondered if Jin was thinking about it too. He hoped not. What happened that time was a memory that Jungkook tried not to think about.

Jin was gently lowered onto the ground. As he walked back to join his team, the maknae could make out tears in his eyes.

"I feel like I'm going to cry." Jin mumbled, face starting to turn red.

Namjoon smiled, showing his dimples. If you looked closely, however, you could see the relief in his eyes. Fear was there as well, because he was next.

Namjoon didn't have too many problems with jumping. He spread his arms out and let go, screaming "Rap Monster!" as he did.

He kept touching his hair when he landed, moving it so it was perfectly even on his head.

"It's scary." He kept saying. "You can't hesitate if you want to jump. You have to just do it."

Jimin hugged the leader when he walked back to him and Jin. The mochi was up next.

"I'm going to say 'I love you BTS'." Jimin declared when he stepped into the elevator. Even if he tried to appear brave, the members could still see the fear starting to paralyze him.

The mochi, however, did jump. He screamed the exact thing he said he was going to scream as he fell.

This time, it was Jungkook who messed up the choreography. Could you blame him? He was going up next and his legs had started shaking all over again.

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