Professor McGonagall comes home

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"Good morning daddy!" said Y/N as she ran down the stair case towards her father who was in the kitchen. 

" hey Y/N, Happy summer vacations!" said her father who looked very happy.  " I made your favorite ..Toast!"

" ooooooooo that looks delicious!" replied Y/N with a smile.

y/n's mother had died when she was five very mysteriously. Her father really never told her how, all he said was that she had gone to a place but never returned.

" hey y/n?" her father said while he was near the door looking at some sort of mail. 

" yes dad?" answered y/n while looking towards him from the table where she was eating her toast.

" there's mail for you, a pretty weird one" said her dad still examining the letter.

now y/n had to get up to check the letter. she went towards her dad and took the letter from his hand. she saw an old envelope sealed with a wax seal, on the seal there was a lion, a snake, an eagle and a badger surrounding a big letter 'H'.

y/n was just about to open the letter when the door bell rang. as she opened the door she saw an old lady smiling sweetly at her wearing a pointed black hat and a green drees.

" ahh I see you have got your letter." the lady said " go on, open it" y/n and her dad just looked at the women wide eyed. " oh right, I must first explain who I am" she added sweetly after seeing their reactions. " I am professor McGonagall, a transfiguration teacher at your new school"

"ummm " spoke y/n's dad after decades "  firstly, you just cant barge in here and just tell my daughter that she has to change schools, and secondly, there is no subject as transfiguration."

" well.." said McGonagall "I am must apologize for my manners and lack of details, but you must read the letter first" she stated.

y/n opened the letter and read out

Dear Ms. [Surname],We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry . Please find enclosed list  of all necessary books and equipment.Term begins on first September . We await your owl by no later than 31 JulyYours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

" y/m/n" mumbled y/n 's father as I finished reading. " what?" I asked. " your mother used to go to this magic school thing and told me that she was a witch" my dad said

" ahhh y/m/n was a spectacular witch" said mcgonagall " and I now you will be too, that is" she said while looking at my father "if she will be allowed to go?" added mcgonagall  hopefully.

" well.." y/n's father said while looking down at her. "of course " he said smilingly 

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