Draco Malfoy

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y/n had just experienced flying and she feel in love with it so much that she took borrowed a broom from Fred and George ( because first years are not allowed their own brooms) and ran down to the quidditch pitch.

she was waking so fast when.. suddenly she saw a boy's face upside down in front of her and fell backwards.

" ha!" said the blonde boy. " watch where you're going" he was sitting on a broom.

" It's not my fault" y/n said rubbing dust of her robes. " anyone would fall if they saw a face come out from no where."

" by the way " continued the boy " my name is Draco. Draco Malfoy."

" hmmm." said y/n while biting her lip.

" what " said Draco. " nothing its just I think I heard that name somewhere" replied y/n

" of course you did" said Draco. " I am famous."

" no not that " she said  while she was deeply into thought. " ah ha! you were that boy in the book shop!" she said loudly.

" what ever" continued the green eyed boy. y/n thought his eyes were very lovely. " I didn't get your name? miss girl?"

" oh right!" said y/n " I am y/n  y/l/n"

" you look just like y/m/n Rosier " he said while smirking "my dad said that she was a blood traitor" he mumbled so y/n couldn't hear him.

" well if your mother was a quidditch champion" he said smirking " you must know how to play"

" umm well no" y/n said " I live with father and he is a muggle, I DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO FLY" she said.

" I can teach you" he said ,still rocking that Malfoy smirk " soo.."

" OK! lets start " she said energetically 

Draco taught her the basics of flying and she sort of aced it. of course she fell a million times but Draco laughed and helped her up. he said it was cute. And of course Draco showed off ALOT but it was fun. they both soon became close friends. 

McGonagall didn't really like Draco so much but appreciated that he was teaching her a lot. y/n was pretty good and catching up fast. maybe.. y/n will become a world famous chaser just like her mother.

                                  And that's how year one ended..THANK YOU 

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