Year 4

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"The Tri-Wizard Tournament is being held at Hogwarts. As you have already met Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, you will know who is competing against us." Dumbledore explains in the Great Hall. 

You're sitting with Zoe who is eyeing up the Durmstrang boys. You jab her with your elbow.
"Stop drooling." You joke.
"I will if you do." She says, knowing you've been trying to sneak looks at Draco who is sitting near the end of the table.

"There is an age limit," he continues, which earns shouts of disappointment for those under the age of seventeen. "But for those of you who are thinking seriously about entering this tournament, you must write your name on a piece of parchment and put it into the Goblet of Fire." He gestures towards the giant cup by the podium. "Out of the three students who are worthy enough, whoever wins, gets eternal glory." he finishes.

                                                                ~ time skip to next day during school~

"Pity there's an age limit. Or I would of entered." Draco says while you both are walking toward you next transfiguration lesson.

"Oh, for sure." You say sarcastically. Draco pushes you playfully on the shoulder and you laugh.

" hey y/n" harry greets you with a smile. you and harry have become close friends after the dementors incident.

" hello harry!" you say cheerfully.

"that's enough greetings" Draco says sounding jealous. "come on y/n we are late"

                                                      ~ time skip to transfiguration~

McGonagall's class went from Transfiguration to Dance lessons because the Yule Ball was being held after the first Tri-wizard test.

"This ball is a tradition with every tournament in history and I will not have you mess it up with poor dance skills."

Girls were sitting on one side of the room and boys were lines across the other. Zoe and Hermione squealed with excitement beside you and eventually you let a grin slip.

"We need to go dress shopping guys!" Hermione said.
"Totally!" And they became just like any other teenage girl. You smile.

"y/l/n, would you like to demonstrate with Mr. Longbottom here?" McGonagall said over you and your friends chatter.

"I'm good McGonagall." She puckered her lips like she always does when you call her that. "Then maybe you should stop talking and start watching. This is important." she said.

                                                          ~ time skip to the end of school~

And it was. Every girl was stressing about hair and makeup for the next few weeks. You, were relaxed. You would find something with Zoe and Hermione some other time.

But then everyone starts getting dates to the ball.

You're sitting with Zoe in the courtyard when Hermione runs up to you with a big grin on her face.

"Victor Krum asked me to the ball!" She exclaims .Zoe squeals with her and jumps in a circle. "Wow Hermione, that's great! Your dating a champion!" Zoe says, and start arranging plans to go dress shopping.

You feel a nervous tap on your shoulder. Your friends are so busy talking they don't notice Harry Potter standing beside you.

"y/n, I need to talk to you."
You let him lead you to a secluded part of the courtyard.
"Yeah, Harry?" You say, wondering what's going on.  

"Dragons. That's the first task. I didn't know who else to come to, I just, I need some help."

You frown. "Dragons." You repeat, thinking.
"I don't know how to fight a dragon Blake!" He exasperates.

"What are your strengths?" You ask calmly.
"Um, I don't- I guess I can fly." He says. You nod in agreement.
"But we're not allowed broomsticks." He states.

You think back to last year, to when Draco summoned the Nimbus to save your lives.
"You're allowed a wand Harry." You say, and explain the Accio charm.
"Of course! Thank you, so much Blake. Thank you."


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