The house on the beach

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Draco gets out first and holds his hand out to you.
You look around to see Borgin and Burkes.

"Come on beautiful we don't have much time."
You stand behind him as he speaks a spell and the cabinet goes up in silent flames.
"Take my arm." He says and you apparate.

You end up at a beach. The stars above you are glimmering brightly and they reflect in Draco's eyes.
"Why did you put yourself in danger?" You ask quietly.
"Because you will always come first y/n."
"He's going to kill you." You whisper painfully.
"As long as you're safe beautiful."
You walk hand in hand down the deserted beach and head for a house.
"This is the only place I could think of." Draco says.

You both enter the small house and look around.

Draco leaves to surround the perimeter with protective spells.
He returns shortly and wraps his hand around your waist.

"We're on the run from him aren't we?" You ask.
He nods. "I'm sorry for putting you in danger beautiful."

you shake your head. "I go where you go."
The house is fully furnished, so you light a fire and sit down in front of it. Draco joins you and you lean into him. You two fall asleep almost instantly, with you in his arms.

For the next few weeks you live in that house. With no other people and no interruptions. You have no trouble sleeping now, even though Voldemort was on the hunt for his disloyal Death-Eater. All you needed was Draco.
Living together, the two of you grew even closer than before. Although things should be dull, they weren't. There was never a boring moment when you were with Draco.

 One day you see a owl outside of the protection barrier. A note is in it's beak. Draco cautiously picks it up and you read it together.

y/n and Draco

We don't know where you are but we're worried about you. We've sent this owl to find you, we hope you're reading this.
We understand you are on the run from You Know Who, but from our sources, we discovered he's preoccupied.
He does have Death Eaters on the hunt for you two, but you seem to be hidden pretty well.
In other news, he has taken over Hogwarts and there will be a battle commencing next month. We will be there, fighting for our school. 

- Hermione

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