The DA

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The next day you and Draco went to the DA meeting in the ROR and you learnt lots of new spells but Draco was in a grumpy mood the whole time, he was definitely jealous of Harry and all the attention he was getting. From time to time Draco flexed his so called skills but ended embarrassing himself.

" I can easily do THAT" Draco said before he was going to duel Harry.

" ok, we'll see about that Malfoy" said Harry.

Then all of a sudden the room was full of sparks coming out of Harry and Draco's wands, both were shouting spells of all sorts and it was an interesting duel, whatever spell Draco shot at  Harry he could easily block and the same happened to Harry. There were very rare cases in which the other flew across the room. The duel was intense but Harry Potter had won while Draco had fallen on the floor.

"That was not bad, I could have sworn you were gonna win at one point" said harry giving him a hand.

Draco pushed it aside and said " I don't need your help potter" then he got up and went out of the room. You followed him with your eyes until he had gone out of sight.

" ummm ok I thinks that's enough for today" said Harry and the room had cleared out. You saw Harry looking at you worried and you understood why. Draco obviously had enough of the DA and he thought he was getting no where (obviously he was getting really good), he was now going to go where the power lay, he was going to join the Inquisitorial Squad.

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