Year 2

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You got down the Hogwarts express thinking about your new year and how much fun you will have. as you got off someone hexed you.

Pansy Parkinson had knocked you down.

She has her wand pointed at your face, with a disgusted look on her own. You're surprised and taken off guard with the sudden attack, but you quickly pull out your own wand and stand up swiftly.  You feel a sharp pain in your side, and a see scorching hole in your robes. You snap your head back to Pansy. She had burned you. You glared at her, and she knew what was coming — you almost forgot the severe burning below your ribs.

You disarmed her,  and then knocked her back, so she fell on the ground. A crowd was gathering, but not a teacher in sight. 
You felt a burst of déjà vu as hundreds of boils appeared all over her body. Waves of laughter filled the train station as she watched one pop in horror.  She stormed off crying.

When you scan the crowd, you find Draco and make eye contact with him. He's laughing with his friends. You saw he had gotten taller over the summer. The crowd disperses,  and Draco stays with you.
"That was amazing Blake."
You shrug and grin.
"How was your summer?" He asks, with a glimmer in his icy blue eyes. You catch yourself staring and quickly look away.
"It was okay. Not much happened without Pansy around to keep me on my toes."
He smiles. "I'll catch you tonight Blake." And he wanders off. You watch him walk away, and see him look back at you.

A first year bounds out of nowhere and hits you where you got burnt. You wince in pain, it must be worse then you expected.
"Watch it." You snap.
That's when you run into Draco again. He smirks at you. "Hey." He sees you holding your side and lifts your hand. When he see's the burn his eyes flash.
"Pansy did this to you?"
You stare at him for a moment, recognising the anger twisted on his face.
"Yeah, but it's no big deal, she look's worse." You say, disregarding it.
He continues to stare at your burnt skin, and you can see he is forming a plan. He murmurs something that you can't hear, and before you can ask him about it, he's gone.

After the feast you were so tired and went straight to bed waiting for tomorrow. you had charms as the last subject for the day. 

you didn't even pay attention. you met this girl Dorothy , Muggleborn but very talented. you soon became very good friends. (sorry it was the first name that came in my mind)

you were in the courtyard with Dorothy and alot of students were there as the school let out. Dorothy introduced you to another girl in ravenclaw named Zoe Kingsley (not there in Harry Potter) 

Draco and his friends stalk up to you.
"Blake. Kingsley. Mud-blood." He says, greeting you. They all laugh. You frown. Zoe gasps and Dorothy looks at the floor.
"Draco!" You say firmly.

"What? Just saying the truth. She's a filthy Mud-blood. I don't know why you hang out with her." A crowd is forming around you. You pull out your wand and point it at Draco.
"Stop." You say warningly.

He stares at you for a long moment. Indecisive and hesitant. He then looks at the many people surrounding you and his friends edging him on.
"Why should I? She's a buck-toothed, talentless Mud-blood who shouldn't even be here."
"Can't say I never gave you a chance Malfoy." You say.

Then you jinx him, forcing him back. You flick your wand at Draco, and do the Knee-Reversal hex, making him drop to the ground and shout out.
Zoe walks up to him.

"Nobody talks about our friends like that."
And she walks off with Dorothy under her arm. You shake your head at him and stalk off. You and Draco just had your first ever fight.

That night you lie in your bed, wide awake, wishing that you had Draco to talk to. You're tempted to run downstairs and sit with him but hold back. He deserves what he got.
But you can't help but miss him, with only a few hours to do so.

Suddenly the girls in your dorm ran towards the door.

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