Draco's Drastic Change

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Now you had had enough Draco had joined Umbridge was was acting absolutely horrid. He kept taking of points from Gryffindor and the other houses, he was also spending more time with his stupid Slytherin friends, well Blaise was nice you knew him but PANSY, Draco was hanging out with Pansy Parkinson. You loathed her.

" well well well" you heard Draco say to Harry, Ron and Hermione while you were sitting under of a tree at the banks of the black lake while you were finishing of your homework.

" look its POTTAH, weaselbee and the mudblood."  Draco continued then pansy giggled.

" ten points from Gryffindor from each of you" Draco said with a smirk

" WHAT you cant do that!" said Ron, but when Draco smirked again and realization hit him apparently they could do that.

" ten from Granger because you're a mudblood, ten from weaslebee beacause your shirts untucked and ten from potter because well.. I just don't like you" he finished and everyone laughed.

slowly Draco came closer and closer to Harry and whispered something in his ear and you could see Harry getting goosebumps. then Draco spoke " I obviously know your little secret and not to long from this very second, Umbridge will know about your... wait what did you call it oh yeah.." he moved away and said " DumbleDorks Army" he smirked and joined the others.

" WHERE IS Y/L/N" shouted Harry he looked really angry but then Hermione being her usual self calmed him.

"Harry its not her fault if anyone is to be blamed its Malfoy" she said with her hand on his shoulder.

" well I actually think Hermione is right" Ron said and in turn earned a 'when-am-I-wrong' look from Hermione.

" okay but we are dead meat" said Harry

" Did you forget, I put a spell on the contract, trust me Malfoy cant say a word." Hermione finished

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