expecto patronum!!

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All of a sudden darkness surrounds you. Cold swamps your body, and fog forms. You clutch on to Draco tighter and he leans forward, propelling the broom faster. But you can't escape the Dementor's fast enough. One comes right in front of your broom, forcing Draco to swoop down, almost knocking you both off.

"Hang on y/n!" He yells through the wind. You can see the castle looming in the near distance, and race towards it, not caring who saw you now.

The Dementor's follow you, and you feel like all joy is being sucked out of your soul. You cough and get a feeling like someone's strangling you.
Your heading so fast into the school grounds that you can't stop, the broom malfunctioning from the Dementor's presence.

You and Draco slam straight into the Whomping Willow. You scream out in pain as you feel something impale your arm, you look down to see a shattered piece of broomstick wood. You're stuck in its tangled branches. You feel it vibrating underneath you, getting ready to attack. You clamber along a trunk, spluttering and coughing, and feel blood trickle down your face. Your vision blurs, but you know you must get out of the tree. You whip around to see Draco doing the same thing and you share a panicked glance. You reach out to hold his hand and he takes out his wand.

"Accio, Nimbus 2002!" He yells. You feel something hard smack you on the back and scream out in pain, almost falling out. You look down to see the ground is very far down. Blood is gushing from Draco's leg, dowsing you in it. You feel faint as you cough blood. The broomstick Draco summoned came just as the tree started to shake vigorously and spin around. You both fall onto it with sheer luck, and it flies away from the tree. Your hanging onto it with just your fingertips, but can't much longer.

The Nimbus swoops down and you fall with Draco crashing down beside you. Above you, a swirl of Dementor's are circling you, and you feel so cold that you uncontrollably shiver. Draco and you are sprawled on the floor, in a puddle of your mixed blood — and when you try and sit up to cry out in pain. But when a Dementor comes down on Draco and you see him sprawl in pain, you jump up and pull out your wand.

Your brain feels fuzzy, but you remember a spell that lupin was telling you about he said that you had potential so you he gave a you a book to learn it.

You take a deep breath, but before you can cast it, one of many Dementor's glide towards you and takes your head in it's boney hands.

You drop down in agony and scream until your voice is hoarse. It soon backs off, but you feel drained and close to death. You grunt in sheer desperation and stand, stumbling. When you see Draco, wheezing beside you, a Dementor coming his way, you look up to the black tornado of them and scream with all your might, thinking of the happiest memory you could.

Draco's smiling face, absent-mindedly playing with your hair.

And a flash of brilliant white light bursts from your wand and forms into a huge lion. You had never been able to do it until now. You scream as it pounces and chases off every Dementor until there's none.

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