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By the time that Sirius, Riley, and I arrived at the Burrow a tent was set up in the backyard for the wedding. We quickly took our seats, Riley smoothing out her royal blue dress as we sat.

Riley had picked out a royal blue short sleeved dress, the length of which was around her knees. Pairing the dress with black flats and her black hair curled and arranged to frame her face, she looked gorgeous. I had adorned her face with a light makeup to finish it off. In comparison, I donned a deep red strapless dress ending halfway down my thighs, paired with red heels and my hair up in a messy bun.

The wedding went pretty smoothly. Well, almost smoothly. We're all dancing and hanging out, Riley looking the happiest I've seen her all summer, when I spot the Patronus floating towards us. Shit, why would Kingsley be sending us a Patronus.

"The ministry has fallen. The minister is dead. They're coming," Kingsley Shacklebolt's words warn. About 5 seconds later, the tent is in chaos. Riley runs over to Sirius and I, and I push her behind us.

"Get inside Riley!" I kiss her forehead, pulling my wand out. She nods, knowing we only have another second or two before they arrive, and sprints to the house. I'm more grateful than ever that Andromeda agreed to watch Lily during the wedding, so we don't have to worry about her in addition to Riley. Molly ushers Riley inside, and almost as soon as she does, the tent comes crashing down with the arrival of death eaters.

Sirius and I fight back to back in a blur of death eaters and others. I vaguely see Harry apparate out with Hermione and Ron, and all I can do is hope that they'll be safe. I deflect a spell off of Fred and George, who each shoot me a look of thanks as I do so. It breaks my heart to know that I won't be able to protect all of these 18 and 19 year olds that I knew as infants.

As soon as the last death eater has retreated, I turn to Sirius and hug him tightly, images of the last war flashing through my mind. I can't lose anybody this time. Not this time around.

"I love you Lex..." Sirius mutters in my ear, rubbing my back as he does so. I sigh, burying my face against his shoulder.

"I love you too Siri..." I mumble back. I hesitate before my next statement. It pains me, but I know I don't have a choice. "You've got to go into hiding Siri... You're powerful, you're a Black, they're gonna want you... I'll be safe, I'll try to get a job at Hogwarts."

He nods, knowing he doesn't have much of a choice. He knows I'm right, Sirius has to go into hiding. Riley runs out of the house and we engulf her in a hug. I decide there that I am going to do anything I can to protect her.

"We're gonna be okay Ri Ri... I promise we'll be okay..." I whispered in her ear. She nods, burying her face against my shoulder. She may be of age, but she's still too young to be going through this – yes, I'm fully aware that I went through this at the same age, so don't comment about this.

The next day, I help Sirius pack his things with Riley. We dance to the muggle radio I put on, and have some fun. I'm gonna miss the way Sirius's eyes light up when Riley and I sing and dance, but this is for the better.

The second his bags are packed and ready to go, I let Riley hug him first.

"I'm gonna miss you Daddy..." She whispers, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I'll miss you too Riles. You're always going to be my Princess, I hope you remember that." She nods at his words and steps away. Sirius looks at me and holds his arms out.

Stepping forward, I allow his arms to embrace me tightly, his warmth engulfing my body. I don't need to hear him say anything to know that we're both thinking the same thing – let's hope this isn't our last goodbye. We can't have a repeat of the last war.

Critical ~ S. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now