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Everything was dirt. The floor, the walls, the ceiling.

I looked around, turning in circles, until I realized I'm not alone. I looked at the woman and froze. It's like I'm looking at an older version of myself. Except, she has hazel eyes.

"Riley... I can't believe this worked..." She muttered. As I looked at her closer, I realized just how bad she looked.

"Mom? W-what happened? What worked? What's going on?" Instinctively, I pulled out my wand.

"Riles, put your wand down. Nothing's going to happen. If you want to heal me, I'm going to tell you that it would take time we don't have." I reluctantly lowered my wand. I could tell she doesn't have much energy, especially looking at her injuries.

"I want you to pass on a message for me. It's Critical that you only tell Dumbledore and Remus. My brother and your father are too impulsive, and Peter can't keep secrets for the life of him." I nodded as she spoke. "I need you to tell them I'm alive. Tell them Fantasy is alive, and under the place she came from. Tell them I can't leave on my own, but that Moony can rescue me."

"Fantasy is alive, under the place she came from. She can't leave on her own, but Moony can rescue," I mumbled. "Got it."

I knew her energy was dropping fast, as it started to get fuzzy. I just barely heard her say one last thing before it all faded.

"I love you Ri Ri. I'll see you soon."

I Sat up, rubbing my eyes. I remembered what my mom had told me, and stood up.

Mrs. Weasley was in the kitchen, cooking breakfast, when I hurried in.

She looked up and smiled warmly saying, "Good morning dear. Come eat."

"No thank you, Mrs. Weasley. I must be going," I responded as I rushed to the fireplace. She frowned, but I had left before she could say anything.

"Ms. Black, what is it?" Dumbledore asks when I stumble out.

"I need to talk to you and Remus," I replied. Dumbledore sent a Patronus to Remus. When Remus arrived, he looked at me in concern.

"Riley, what's wrong? Is anybody hurt?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"Fantasy is alive, under the place she came from. She can't leave on her own, but Moony can rescue her."

I saw Remus's eyes widen. He asked me to repeat it, so I did. He seemed to be in shock while Dumbledore seemed to be confused.

"Mr. Lupin, I assume you know what the girl is talking about?" Dumbledore asked. Remus nodded.

"Riley, how did you learn this?" Remus asked me.

"I-I've been getting these visions for a while. Most of the time I was in my mother's body. But last time, it was a bunch of memories of hers... Then I saw a dragon, and it... Talked to me. This time, I saw my mother. She told me that. She said not to tell Dad an- not to tell Dad," I explained. I left out that she said not to tell Harry's dad, because she didn't know he was dead.

Remus sent me back to Grimmauld, and I tried to get some more sleep.


As soon as Riley explained these vision, any doubt I had that Lexi and Saphira we're both alive vanished. The only other person who could do that, was Voldemort himself.

So, I sent Riley back home before turning to Dumbledore.

"When we were in school, James, Sirius, Peter, and I gave each other nicknames. When Lexi joined us, we have her one too," I started off. He wouldn't know about them being animagi, because it was illegally.

"Mr. Lupin, you five were quite my favorites. I do believe you were quite successful in keeping secrets from me," Dumbledore chuckled.

"We tried our best, sir. Moony, of course, is me. And Fantasy, is Lexi. I believe she had Riley use nicknames to prevent spying ears from hearing." Dumbledore nodded.

"Then we must search. She is alive, as she has very clearly stated. She is being hidden in the place she came from, which I do believe would be —"

"Bulgaria," I interrupted him. Dumbledore nodded, and we started discussing a plan to rescue her.

"Our most helpful resource to get her, would be Saph. But we have no idea where she disappeared to."

"There is the chance there is someone who would know, Me. Lupin." I looked at him, and realized we were thinking the same thing.

Only one person besides Lexi would have a shot at knowing where Saph is.


I woke up early, at the sound of people apparating outside my house. Frowning, I walked to the door. Let's just say I was in for quite a shock when I saw Dumbledore and Remus.

"Dumbledore. It's been a while," I greeted, letting them inside.

"Yes it has. However, I'm afraid we aren't here for a simple catch up." I nodded and poured myself a cup of coffee.

"We believe you may know the location of a dragon named Saphira," Remus told me. I frowned for a moment.

"I can't recall us ever having a dragon by that name, but I could take you around the sanctuary to see if you recognize her," I offered.

They nodded and I got my shoes on before leading into the sanctuary.

"As protocol, all visitors are required to stay outside of the fences, so tell me if you spot her, and I can bring her over," I explained. They nodded. I'll admit, it feels weird talking to Dumbledore like that.

I led them around the sanctuary, and they kept an eye out. I was doubting their dragon was here, until Remus stopped, a fond smile on his face.

"That's Saph. She's exactly how I remember." He Points to a golden dragon, who's in a cave. I went into the sanctuary and brought her over.

"So this is Saph. I'm not usually in this area. I'm in charge of a different area in the sanctuary."

I noticed Saph lean over the fence and wrap her neck around Remus. I was about to intervene, when Dumbledore stopped me.

"She is an old friend, Charlie. This is just her greeting."

I couldn't believe my ears when I heard a voice in my head.

Thank you, Charlie. You and your friends have taken great care of me. However, nobody can replace my owner. If you don't mind, I must be leaving.

I have to go help find Lexi.


Thanks for reading!

So, I do promise Lexi is going to be found in the next few chapters.

To be completely honest I don't have much of a plan with this book, it's just kind of happening.

I'm also not sure how long this is going to be, all I know is that it will go through Deathly Hallows, and won't follow the exact storyline.

Anyways, hope you're staying safe and healthy!

Happy Vibes

<3 Riley

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