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I walked down to the entrance that Saturday, both nervous and excited. Today is my date with George. I had dressed in a simple outfit. A light blue t-shirt style, knee-length dress. A light pink cardigan around my waist. Knee-high socks. And tennis shoes. My hair was curled and I left it down.

I met George at the entrance and he smiled.

"You look beautiful Riles," he complimented. I smiled.

"Thanks. You look quite handsome yourself," I responded. He smiled and held out his hand, which I took with a smile.

We walked down to Hogsmeade and walked to Honeydukes first, then Zonko's. I laughed at some of the pranks he showed me, seeing as they were completely ridiculous.

When we were walking to The Three Broomsticks, we passed Harry, Rob, and Hermione, who smiled and waved. They seemed to be having fun themselves.

By the end of the day, I was exhausted but giddy with excitement. I was about to leave to go to my dorm when George caught my hand.

"Today was amazing Riley. I'm glad you agreed to go," he said honestly. I hadn't stopped grinning at all that afternoon and I nodded.

"Yeah. I had a lot of fun. Maybe we can do it again next weekend," I responded. He kissed my cheek before heading to his dorm.

I climbed the stairs of Ravenclaw tower and sighed when it stopped me with a riddle.

"Why is a raven like a writing desk?" The knocker asked. I rolled my eyes and decided to have some fun.

"We live in a world full of magic. For all we know the raven is the writing desk transfigured," I responded. The knocker seemed stumped on my answer so I knocked to be let in.

One of the older girls, I think her name's Susan Collins, she's in her 6th year, let me in. I smiled gratefully and went up to my dorm.

That night was not as peaceful as I hoped. Almost as soon as I fell asleep, I started having nightmares.

It's dark. Pitch black. I tried to feel my surroundings but I can't move. Suddenly I was blinded with bright light. By the time my vision returned, I could hear shuffling and moving around.

"You shouldn't be able to be awake, filthy Mutt," a cold voice said. I tried to ask what was going on but realized I can't control this body. Which made me realize it's not mine.

"Never underestimate someone with a dragon. It's a wonder she hasn't lent me enough strength to wake up before now," the body I was in responded. Dragon? Who is this?

I took the moment of distraction to examine what I could see of my surroundings. It looks like a giant hole in the ground. Dirt walls, ceiling, and I'd say from the sound of the footsteps the floor is dirt as well.

"Well, let's just make sure you never wake up again Black," the voice said again, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"You know that's impossible." the voice of the body I'm in sounds female now that I'm paying attention. And did he say, Black? Could this be my mom?

Suddenly I'm hit with immense pain. I barely registered the cold voice shout "CRUCIO!" Before it hit. I tried to scream, but once again, I have no control over this body.

"Nice try," The person, I'm guessing is my mother, muttered before being knocked unconscious.

I woke up, panting and drenched in sweat. My dorm mates were looking at me in concern, as was Professor Flitwick.

"Ms. Black, are you okay? You were screaming, tossing and turning, muttering something about a dragon, and we couldn't seem to wake you up," Flitwick stated in concern. I nodded, glancing at my dorm mates. "Perhaps I should take you to Madam Pomfrey." I just nodded and Flitwick led me out of the room.

Halfway to the hospital wing, I looked at Professor Flitwick.

"I saw my mother," I told him. He looked up at me frowning.

"I beg your pardon?"

"Well, sort of. The dream... It's like I was in my mother's body. Someone with a cold, high pitched voice, called her Black so I pieced it together," I rambled a bit. Flitwick changed his direction and led me to professor Dumbledore's office saying something about 'possible leads to her location'. If only I knew that this was just the beginning.


Thanks for reading!

So yes, you got your first hint to Lexi's location! I promise that by chapter 10-15 she'll be back in the book!

Anyways, hope you're safe and healthy!

<3 Riley

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