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Harry walked over to me, embracing me in one last hug. He's too much like his father, and I knew that there was no convincing him out of this. So all I could do was wish him good luck, and remind him that I love him.

I then made my way towards the great hall, searching the moving bodies for Lexi. I knew she'd be up and running around, to make sure everyone is okay. And I planned to kiss her for as long as I could, because the thought of living life without her was unbearable.

I passed over dead body after dead body, trying not to worry that one of them could be Lexi. It won't be, I know it. I can't lose my other half. I won't lose her. She wouldn't leave me. The faces of all the body's had the same expression, almost all of them looked scared. Like they had died in fear. These poor children, some of whom aren't older than 16, leaving their families so young.

I spotted the Weasleys and made my way over, noting that they were all crying. Worry filled my mind as I hurried to them, feeling my jaw drop when I spotted Fred. His face dirty and lifeless, but his expression full of agony. His cold eyes stared ahead into the enchanted ceiling and I just couldn't believe that he was dead. And I felt even worse for George, who'd have to go on living without his twin brother.

I was about to apologize when a familiar ring caught my eye. No... I turned around and my heart stopped, dropping into my stomach. Her expression full of pain and fear, more than I've ever seen on her face before. I fell to my knees, the pain in my heart unbearable as I processed this death.

Even then, all I could do was break down. "Lexi, wake up.... Wake up Lexi please...." I sobbed out, my head buried against her shoulder. "Alexis, Alexis wake up...."

I sobbed until I couldn't anymore, agony filling my mind. When I finally sat up, I broke down again when I saw the body next to her. Moony..... Nonono, my best friend can't be dead!

This can't be happening, it's got to be a dream. Of course it's a dream, a nightmare. I'm gonna wake up to Lexi shaking me for breakfast.

"D-daddy....?" I heard Riley ask meekly. I looked up and immediately embraced her tightly in my arms. "I-is mommy really g-gone...?" She gasped out through her sobs.

It broke my heart to know that she was in so much pain, on top of my best friends all being dead. I stroked Riley's hair, rocking her back and forth gently. "Shhhh.... I'm right here sweetie... I'm not leaving, I promise..." I whispered, my voice shaky as I did so.

The two of us stayed like that, in each other's embrace, as we cried for the loss of Lexi and Remus. The Weasleys attempted to comfort us, but they were already grieving the loss of their son, so they couldn't do much.

The second that Riley saw Fred's lifeless body, her body shook as she sobbed harder and harder. The poor girl was an inconsolable mess and I wanted nothing more than to take away my baby girl's pain.

I just couldn't believe it. My world was shattered and I didn't know how long it'd take to be alright. I couldn't imagine how Riley was feeling, losing her mother for the second time in just 17 years. I stroked her black hair, smoothing out the tangles, just like I used to see Lexi do for her. Kissing her forehead, I gently bandaged the cut on her arm, and wiped away the dust that scattered her face.

She just sobbed and sobbed and I couldn't imagine what was running through her mind.

As she slowly began to calm down, we heard a clamor outside. I followed among others to go check it out, my wand gripped tightly in my hand.

I froze at the sight before me. Harry, dead in Hagrid's arms, death eaters looking gleeful. People cried out, perhaps the most painful being the cries of Minnie, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny. The crowd was in outrage – those not in shock at least.

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