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The months came and went. I got plenty of detentions with Umbridge, for various reasons. George and I were dating, and it was amazing.

But as I walked to the DA meeting, I was more excited than ever. Today we were going to be learning the Patronus charm. I walked in and stood by Fred and George, like usual. We talked until Harry started the meeting.

"Alright! I know, this meeting is one you all have been wanting for a while! Today I am going to begin teaching the Patronus Charm, however, don't feel bad if you don't get it right away. Most people don't, and it is extremely challenging," he began. I grinned excitedly, blushing as George ruffled my hair. "So what you're going to need to do, is think back to your happiest memory. Then while thinking of that, wave your wand and say the words 'Expecto Patronum'."

Everyone split into small groups of 3 or 4 and started practicing. I was with Fred and George. After several minutes, I couldn't even get wisps out of my wand, so I decided to think farther back in my memories than my first date with George. I shut my eyes and thought back to the earliest memory I have.

"So what's for dinner?" Mom asked as she picked me up, kissing my cheek. I giggled at her.

"Mama!" I exclaimed. Sirius and she both looked at me half in shock, half grinning.

"Riles, did you just say your first word?" Daddy asked as if I would actually answer. I just giggled and repeated the word 'Mama' over and over. Mom laughed and kissed my forehead.

"That's me. I'm Mama. I love you Ri Ri." She tickled my stomach as she sat me down in my high chair for dinner.

I waved my wand, saying "Expecto Patronum!" From my wand burst a silvery colored Wolf. It ran around the room as I grinned.

I was one of the first to get it, so there were very few others running/flying/swimming around.

George looked at me, grinning. We high fived. He got his only a few minutes later. It's a bird, same as Fred's.

After the meeting, I walked towards Gryffindor and Ravenclaw towers with Fred and George.

"So what memory did you think of Riles?" George asked me. I smiled.

"The earliest memory I have of my mom. When I said my first word." I told them. "My mom had this nickname for me that was just adorable. She said it after I said my first word."

"Well, now you gotta tell us the nickname, Riles!" Fred chimed in.

"Only if you promise not to call me it."

"We promise," they chimed in unison. It was scary the first few times they did that, but I'm used to it by now.

"She called me Ri Ri. I vaguely remember her calling me that a few times before." They smiled.

"That's a sweet nickname." George ruffled my hair.

"I guess. What memories did you guys think of?" Fred smiled, while George just looked away. His ears were pink.

"I thought of my first successful prank," Fred told me.

"Awesome. What was yours, Georgie?" I poked his arm.

"Well... it wasn't really a memory, so much as a fantasy..." his ears turned brighter red.

"And what was that fantasy?" George refused to answer though and just ran off to his dorm. I turned to Fred. "Find out the fantasy. Tell me what it was. Please."

Fred paused before responding. "Alright, but only because I'm curious too."

We both said our goodnights and went to our dorms.

That night, I had another vision thing. But it seemed to be much more pleasant. It seemed to be memories...

I was in the great hall. Only, it wasn't during my years I don't think. I looked around and saw a bunch of Beauxbatons students sitting with the Hogwarts students. I was looking around when the door opened. In marched the Durmstrang students. I watched as all except for one of them banged their sticks on the ground. The boy in lead's stick emitted flame.

They sat the Slytherin table and Dumbledore announces that there is going to be a student transferring from Durmstrang to Hogwarts. One boy stood up and went to the center of the room where a professor was holding an old hat. They asked to do it in private and the professor nodded. They were led into a separate room, and a few minutes later, the hat shouted loud enough for the whole hall to hear. "GRYFFINDOR!"

The person came out and went to the Gryffindor table, sitting next to a boy with black hair and glasses. I almost thought it was Harry before I really that the boy had Hazel eyes. This must be Harry's dad.

The Durmstrang headmaster stood up. "The students of Durmstrang have one last demonstration they would like to present, and even though our new transfer student is a Hogwarts student now, they will still be part of it." A small group stood up and went to the center of the room. They started doing a bunch of tricks, including one where the smallest boy, who happens to be the transfer, is thrown into the air. Then they took their coats off and did some other trick and most took their hats off. Then, the smallest did a double flip, taking his, no HER, hat off in the middle of it, and landed on the ground.

Before I could process this, the scene changed.

It was a hospital room. A bunch of people were around a bed in the middle. I recognized Lily, Harry's mom, James, Harry's dad, Remus, and my dad. But I still couldn't recognize the girl in the bed. When I paid attention, I heard that my dad and the girl were arguing about something.

Then, my dad suddenly cut her off in the middle of her sentence by kissing her. Everyone else left, so they were snogging in a room.

They pulled away after a few minutes when someone came in. But before the scene faded, I got a good look at the girl. That's when I realized. She looks identical to Harry's dad, she's snogging my dad, and she's the transfer from Durmstrang.

I'm looking at a younger version of my mother, Alexis Potter.


Thanks for reading!

Yep, we are getting closer to Lexi appearing!

The next chapter or two will be purely in Riley's dream/vision thingy, going through Lexi's memories. I promise I'll offer an explanation for that later!

By Chapter 13-15 Lexi will have appeared for real, I swear!

Anyways, hope y'all are staying safe and healthy!

<3 Riley

I thought I had published this earlier, apparently I didn't. Sorry y'all if I didn't

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