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That evening, I made the decision to learn as much about my mum as I could. I walked over to Mrs. Weasley as she was making dinner and smiled sweetly.

"Mrs. Weasley? I was wondering if I could ask you a question." I asked, slightly nervous. I mean, who knows what kind of person my mum was.

"Of course Dear, what can I help you with?" Mrs. Weasley answered.

"I was wondering if you could tell me about my mother?" I asked. It's obvious I was nervous. Mrs. Weasley smiled fondly.

"Dear, your mother was an incredible person. Always so caring about others, putting her friend's safety before hers." I smiled as Mrs. Weasley continued. "You look very much like her. But you've got your father's eyes. You remind me of her a lot in your personality." Mrs. Weasley finished dinner and set it on the table.

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley." I thanked her politely and sat down next to where Kingsley and Moody were sitting. I usually don't talk to them much, Moody scares me a bit I'll be honest, but I figured they might know something.

"Kingsley, sir, I was wondering. Did you know Alexis Potter?" I asked timidly. Kingsley smiled fondly.

"Yes, I did. However, I knew her as Alexis Black." Kingsley answered.

"Could you tell me about her?" I looked at Kingsley eagerly.

"Alexis, or as she preferred to be called, Lexi, was a talented woman. She balanced Auror duties and being a mother quite well. As much as she liked goofing off and pranks, she was extremely focused on the battlefield. She was such a talented Auror and if I went back in time, I would love to have her as a friend again." Kinglsey answered, smiling as if he was lost in memory. I got a similar response from Moody, however, he did not approve of my mother's pranks.

I went around like that for the last few weeks of summer. I asked people to tell me about my mother, learning as much as I could. I got answers ranging from her being an incredible Auror to a fun prankster, to a wonderful caring mother.

We walked to Platform 9 3/4 with Sirius beside us in his animagus form. He pulled Harry and me into an empty room and transformed back, pulling a picture out of his pocket. He showed it to us, a smile on his face. It's of the original Order of the Phoenix.

"This is the original Order of the Phoenix, formed back the first time Voldemort rose to power. There," he pointed to Harry's parents, "is your parents Harry." He smiled as he pointed to a girl standing between a younger version of himself and Harry's dad.

"That, Riley, is your mother." I smiled as I gazed at her. She's beautiful, with her hair pulled into a messy bun. Sirius pointed out Neville's parents and Marlene McKinnon, along with a few others before Harry and I stood up, hugging him.

"I love you, Daddy," I said as I hugged him before Harry and I rushed to the platform to board the train.

As I boarded the train to Hogwarts I figured there was one more person I could ask. I planned to ask McGonagall. She talks so often of the marauders, that she probably knew my mother.

The train ride was spent reading a book/writing in a journal. I've been recording everything I find out about my mother so that I can try to remember her. I looked out the window and gasped. I saw something carved right next to the window. It reads 𝙰𝙿, 𝙹𝙿, 𝚁𝙻, 𝚂𝙱, 𝙿𝙿, "𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚞𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚜". I traced my fingers over it and smiled. I recognize the handwriting. It's the same handwriting on the letter from my mother. She must have done this while she was still in school. Then I noticed something. Somebody had carved a slash through the initials PP. I have to remember to ask about that.

When the train arrived, I got into a carriage with Luna, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Neville. I didn't really pay attention much to the conversation. We got to the castle and I went inside with everyone else, sitting at the Ravenclaw table. Yep, I'm a Ravenclaw. I'm quite proud of it too. I talked with Luna once the actual Feast started.

"What are you thinking about? Your head's full of nargles," Luna told me. I shrugged.

"Just wondering about my mum. Over the summer, My dad found a letter from my mum, written years ago. Since then, I've been trying to find out as much as I can about my mum," I responded. She nodded in understanding.

"Who was she?" Luna asked, curious. I smiled slightly.

"From what I've gotten, her name was Alexis Potter until she married my dad. Then it was Alexis Black. She was a Gryffindor with my dad and the Marauders. But she didn't attend Hogwarts until her 5th year. Before then, she went to Durmstrang. She was an Auror, and a good one at that, and also had fun pranking people. And apparently she went missing one month before Harry's parents were killed." I told Luna. I trust her, plus she might be able to help.

"Professor McGonagall probably knows a lot about her. I've heard her scolding the twins, then comparing them to the Marauders." Luna responded. I nodded.

"I'm going to ask her tomorrow during Transfiguration." Luna nodded and we continued dinner in silence. If I thought others had stories about my mother, I was not prepared for the stories McGonagall has.


Thanks for reading!

Just imagine Lexi in between Sirius and James, as I don't know how to actually edit that in.

If you think I am stealing or copying anyone's idea, I am sorry but you're wrong. I have read a story that is similar to this, which gave me the idea, but I only used that along with other stories for inspiration for my own. I often do this, so I am not stealing, I promise.

Stay safe my readers!

Hope you enjoyed!

<3 Riley

p.s. sorry this is a day late and not spellchecked. I'm posting it on my phone, not my computer. And I haven't been feeling the best but I knew I needed to update.

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