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I was making breakfast when I heard someone walk into the kitchen. Glancing up, I smiled when I saw Riley walk in.

"Happy birthday Ri Ri," I greeted, flipping the pancakes I was making over.

"Thanks, mum." She sat on the counter as she said that.

Breakfast and the whole day was pretty calm. Well, most of it.

"What do you mean you bought her a motorbike?! She's only 16, Sirius!" I yelled at him, while Riley was out with George.

"She's plenty old enough to have a motorbike!" Sirius argued. "Besides, I had one when I was not much older than her!" I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"You were of age, Sirius!"

"Why are you so apposed to a motorbike?! You own a dragon!" I glared at him.

"That's different. You're buying her a bike, just because you had one. I'm not getting her a dragon just because I have one." He sighed.

"It's just a bike. I'll teach her how to ride it and be safe on it." I sighed, knowing there was no winning this argument.

That evening, Riley was upstairs in her room with Harry, Hermione, Ron, and George while Sirius helped me set up downstairs. He showed me the bike earlier, and it looked pretty similar to the one he had when we were younger.

"Riley! Dinner!" I called from the bottom of the stairs. She ran downstairs with the others a couple minutes later.

After dinner, I brought in a cake with candles on it.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Riley, happy birthday to you!" She sat there looking lile she had no idea what to do while everyone sang. She smiled and blew out the candles after we finished, people cheering.

I cut the cake while the others went and got their presents.

George kissed Riley's cheek as he came back in, holding a small wrapped present.

"Happy birthday love," he told her. I smiled, resting my head on Sirius's shoulder.

"Our baby's growing up," Sirius said. I chuckled, smiling. We finished eating and it was time for presents.

Hermione got Riley a book she's apparently been eyeing in Hogsmeade, Mrs. Weasley got her a Weasley sweater, and Ron got her some candies. Harry handed her a beautifully wrapped box. When Riley opened it up, inside was a charm bracelet with different charms. I smiled at it, and at how happy it seemed to make her.

"Happy birthday Riles," Remus said as he handed her his gift. She opened it and from what I could tell, it was a scrapbook or photo album. She opened the cover and went through some of the pages, and I noticed it's a photo album of the Marauders, though mostly Sirius and I.

"I've been collecting the photos for a while, sending letters to everyone who might've had pictures. I even reached out to some of your mother's old friends to get pictures of her, so I could put this together," Remus explained. I smiled, looking up at him as Riley was grinning.

George was next. He handed her the small box he had, and when she unwrapped it and opened it, there was a ring inside. Most people gasped, but I just smiled. What? She's 16! George wouldn't be that stupid as to propose yet!

"I know what you're thinking, and no. I'm not asking you to marry me right now. It's a promise ring. My promise that I'll stick by you, no matter what, even though I won't be at Hogwarts this year," George explained. Riley hugged him, still grinning. He hugged back and put the ring on her right hand.

Critical ~ S. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now