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I woke up to a blinding light in my face, so like any sane human being, I closed my eyes again. I carefully opened my eyes and looked around in confusion. I'm in a hospital bed, with a redheaded adult by me. It took me a few minutes to recognize them.

"Molly...?" God, I sound so weak. She perked up, looking at me.

"Lexi. You're awake. I'll let a healer know right away." I simply nodded and she stood up, rushing out.

She came back in a few minutes later with a healer following her. I smiled and tried to sit up. The keyword here: tried.

"Don't sit up. You've been out for quite a long time," the healer told me. I sat up anyways. She did a check up on me, giving me a couple of potions to help with the pain. I thanked her and she left.

"Where's Remus? And Sirius? And my brother?" I asked, rapid-fire. Molly sighed.

"I'm sorry about James. He and Lily were murdered a month after you disappeared..." I bit back tears. Now does not seem like the time to be crying.

"They had a secret keeper. Who could have to-" She cut off, her face forming to understanding. "I'm going to kill Pettigrew."

"But I thought Sirius was their secret keeper?"

"I'll tell you another time. Where's Sirius and Remus?"

"Ministry of Magic. There's been an attack." I was up before she could finish that sentence. I nearly fell at first, but caught my balance.

"Lexi, dear, you need to rest," Molly tried to reason with me. I shook my head.

"No, what they need is another trained Auror to help them." I glanced around and found a set of clothes for me on the side-table. I quickly got changed and grabbed my wand from where it was sitting on the side-table as well.

"I'll talk to you later, and best have somewhere for me to rest later," I bade her goodbye and apparated out, to the Ministry of Magic.

Saph, do you know where they are? I asked in my mind. Department of Ministries. Better hurry, looks like the death eaters have an advantage.

I ran towards the Department of Ministries and followed the sounds of fighting to where they were. I ran in, only to jump down nearly 10 flights of stairs.


The fighting was just calming down when I saw the spell hit Sirius. I saw him stumble backwards towards the veil and grabbed Harry as he screamed. That's when everything went suddenly silent at an all too familiar voice.

"NOT TODAY CHACHI!" She screamed, jumping from nearly 10 floors up, grabbing Sirius's hand. She yanked him into her, knocking them both to the floor.

Everything was silent for minutes as she did the reversal spell on Sirius. I let Harry go and ran over, kneeling next to them.

"Remus? I thought I died..." Sirius muttered, looking towards me. At least, until he heard her laugh. God, I swear her laugh casts a spell on him.

"Not today Chachi," she laughed out. Sirius looked at her and his eyes nearly bulged out of his head.

"L-Lex... I thought you were dead!"

"Takes more than just a kidnapping to get rid of me Siri." They smiled and hugged tightly before kissing.

"As much as I hate to interrupt this, There's still death eaters around!" Tonks told us. They nodded and stood up, facing back to back like they always did.

Everyone on our side seemed to be mesmerized by Lexi fighting. I mean, it has been a while since some of us saw her fighting and others have only heard stories.


Those death eaters were easy to fight now that I had my wand, and Sirius to protect my back. We got them all knocked out and I contacted ministry officials to get them arrested. Simple.

I turned to Sirius again, smiling softly.

"I missed you Siri." I said right before kissing him again. He kissed back, smiling.

"D-Dad...? Who is this?" I heard a voice ask. We pulled away and I turned to where the voice came from, an even bigger smile forming on my face.

"Ri-Ri?" I asked softly. Her face turned to one of shock.

"Mom? Is it really you?" I nodded and she hugged me tightly. I hugged back, kissing her forehead.

"You're so grown up Riley..."

Later that night, I was curled up on the couch in Grimmauld Place with everyone, catching up. Apparently I've missed a lot.

"So wait, let me get this straight. Peter betrayed James and Lily, You tried to go after him, and you get arrested?" I asked Sirius. He nodded. "I'll have a talk with Cornelius. Get that fixed. Now, Riley. How long have you and George been together?"

She looked shocked while George just laughed. I mean, come on you can't not tell that they're together when she's laying with her head in his lap while he runs his fingers through his hair.

"How did you-"

"Motherly instincts, plus your position," I cut her off. She nodded.

"Since December." I smiled.

Simple conversations. I learned what happened to the Marauders, and how Riley's been, and even about Dolores Umbridge.

"God, and I thought we had some bad DADA teachers as students," I said to Sirius after everyone had gone to bed. I was curled up against him, my head resting on his chest.

"Get some rest Lexi. You've had an eventful day," he whispered, running his fingers through my hair.

We both fell asleep not long after.


Thanks for reading!

I'm sorry this is such a short chapter, but I wrote this in like an hour because I had schoolwork and forgot today was an update day.

From now on I am going to change the updates to every other Wednesday, as I have been extremely stressed with school and keeping a weekly update schedule isn't going to help me.

Stay safe and healthy!

Happy Vibes

<3 Riley

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