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The next morning, I apparated to the ministry again after breakfast.

As I walked the halls, I could hear gasps and could feel people's stares. I ignored them, and knocked on the door to Fudge's office.

"Come in," I heard him say. Stepping inside, I kicked the door shut.

"Hello Cornelius. It's been a while," I greeted. He stared at me in shock.

"Mrs. Black, how-"

I cut him off. "Long story short, I was kidnapped by death eaters and hidden under Durmstrang. We need to have a talk about your choice in professors though."

"Ah, you mean Dolores? Quite a wonderful choice, don't you agree?" I rolled my eyes.

"Terrible choice, actually. She's been punishing students by using blood quills. My own daughter has a scar on her arm from it. And my nephew has a scar on his hand." His eyebrows shot up in shock.

"Oh? That's terrible. I'll fire her immediately. Now, until we can find a replacement, would you mind taking her place? They will need someone qualified, and who better qualified than you?"

"Of course. I'll go alert her. Oh, and Cornelius? Lovely hair." I'll admit. I made that last comment just to mess with him. What? Once a prankster, always a prankster.

I smirked as he immediately checked his hair in the mirror, but I left before he could yell at me.

I used a fireplace and flooed to Dumbledore's office.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir," I greeted. He smiled kindly.

"Ms. Black. Lemon drop?" I shook my head.

"Maybe some other time. For now I have some business I must attend to." With that, I walked out.

I walked down the halls I had so many fond memories of. Running from Filch, sneaking to the Shrieking Shack, and sneaking out past curfew to pull pranks.

I reached the DADA classroom in no time. I took my hair down from it's braid, so it flowed down my back, and walked in. I noticed that it's the Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff class, and smiled when I saw Riley in her blue Ravenclaw tie and badge. Always knew she'd be a smart one.

"Hem hem. May I help you?" I heard a sickly sweet voice say from behind me. I turned around and saw her face turn to shock when she realized who I was.

"It's been a while, hasn't it? And how are you, Dolores?" I smiled at her dumbfounded face and heard students muffle their laughs.

"What are you doing here? Surely it can wait till after the lesson." She regained her posture and I shook my head, clicking my tongue.

"I'm afraid it can't. You see, Cornelius needs to talk to you about your punishment."

"Punishment? Whatever for?"

"For using an illegal quill to punish students. Blood quills were declared illegal years before even you attended Hogwarts." She paled and I laughed. "Best get going. Wouldn't want to keep Cornelius waiting. Oh, and one more thing? You're fired. Don't return to teaching, or you'll have a wrath worse than Cornelius's to deal with."

Umbitch, as my brother and I had named her, hurried to her fireplace and flooed to the ministry. With a satisfied sigh, I turned to the class.

"Yes, Ms..." I gestured to the blonde Hufflepuff girl with her hand up.

"Susan Bones. I was wondering. Who's going to teach us now? And who are you?" She asked. I smiled.

"Who's going to teach you? I am, of course. I want to make sure you're well prepared for your sixth year next year. As to who I am, you'll find that out over time. Anybody have any other questions?" I sat on the desk, twirling my wand in my hand.

"Yes?" I pointed to a redheaded Hufflepuff girl.

"My name's Hannah Abbot. What should we call you?" She asked.

"Call me whatever you'd like, though I would love it if you didn't call me any cruel nicknames to my face. Save those for behind my back. My name is Alexis Black. The only name I am going to forbid, is Alexis. Never call me Alexis. Lexi, or even Alex, is fine. Just not Alexis. Yes, Mr..."

A brown haired Ravenclaw spoke up. "Terry Boot, ma'am. What makes you qualified to teach us Defense Against The Dark Arts?"

"Well I'd say being an Auror, fighting in the first war against Voldemort, then being held captive for nearly 14 years is quite enough qualifications."

A black haired Ravenclaw spoke up next. "Why did you say first war against he-who-must-not-be-named? Surely you don't believe that he's risen again, Ms. Black?"

"You're completely right, Ms..."

"Chang. Cho Chang," she introduced.

"Ms. Chang here is completely right. I don't believe Voldemort has risen again. I know he has risen again for a fact. I've seen him. And let me tell you, he's in desperate need for some lotion and a good tan."

The joke seemed to get them to relax a little bit. Good. I want them to feel comfortable.

"Now, I want to see what you've been learning. Ms. Abbott, would you read the introduction chapter to your book?" I asked, picking up the book they needed for this year.

She nodded and started reading. About halfway through, I shook my head. "Alright, that's enough. Is this the garbage she's been teaching you guys?"

Everyone nodded and I sighed. "Riley, would you please explain what you've been doing in class?"

"Well, we've been reading chapters in this, and taking notes. If we refused, or asked about any practical practice, we got detention," Riley explained. I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Well then. As much as I adore books, this book won't do. I had some pretty bad teachers throughout my schooling, but jeez!" With that, I set the book on the floor and set it on fire.

They all backed away in shock, but I just smiled as it went out, leaving a pile of Ash where the book was.

"When I was about 18, I was experimenting with spells, and managed to create a spell for if you want a fire just long enough to burn Something. You don't have to put it out. It puts itself out as soon as the object is burned."

They relaxed at that, and I burned the rest of their books. There was a knock on the door, and when I looked in that direction, professor Mcgonagall was standing in the doorway.

By the look on her face, I could tell she wasn't aware I'm back.

"Hello Minnie. Long time no see."


Thanks for reading!

For once I have a chapter written ahead of time, so I can actually update Wednesday. Yay having a 3 day weekend.

Anyways, hope you're staying safe and healthy!

Happy Vibes

<3 Riley

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