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I'm staring at a younger version of my mother. Alexis Potter.



The scene changed. This time, I'm looking at a group of 5 in a circle in a dorm. I'm guessing it's a Gryffindor dorm, though I have no idea whose dorm it is. As I watched, I noticed that it was actually my mom, my dad, Harry's dad, Peter Pettigrew, and Remus. I walked over to listen in.

"What's up guys?" My mom asked.

"We wanted to add a new Marauder..." James started.

"And it's you," Dad finished.

"How could I say no!" My mom grinned.

"Now, You'll need a name. Since you're not an animagus, What's your favorite animal?" Remus asked.

She thinks for a couple minutes before answering. "Arctic Wolves for sure"

The boys talk and decide.

"We'll call you Snowy or Fantasy." Dad declared.

"I like Fantasy the best," She told us.

James smiled and declared, "Alright, It's settled. You are now an official Marauder."

The scene started to change, but not before my mom looked me directly in the eyes. Almost like she can see me.

The next scene was an interesting one. I was in a maze, right behind what I'm guessing is my mom. I followed her as she waved back and forth. Until she ran into a Sphinx. Easy.

It opened its mouth and said the riddle. "I'm tall when I'm young, I'm short when I'm old. What am I?" I nearly laughed because of how easy it was. I had figured it out before the Sphinx even finished the question.

My mom thought for only a moment before answering. "A candle". The Sphinx let us pass, and I ran after her as she kept going.

She ran into a Cerberus and I got to hear her sing for the first time ever. Wow, her voice is angelic.

"Baby blue staring at the window pane just counting drops of rain. Wondering if she's got the guts to take it.

"Running down her dreams in a dirty Dress now her hearts a mess. Praying she will find a way to make it.

"So keep on climbing though the ground might shake. Just keep on reaching though the limb might break.

"We've come this far, don't you be scared now. Cause you can learn to fly, on the way down." She sang. The Cerberus fell asleep and we ran on.

I figured out quickly that this was some sort of challenge. My initial thought was that it was a TriWIzard Tournament, but that hasn't occurred for hundreds of years and this is probably about 20 years ago.

The final obstacle is what shocked me. A HUGE MOTHER TRUCKING SNAKE IS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PATH. If I thought that was shocking, then I wasn't prepared to watch what happened next.

My own mother turned into a hecking wolf! An animagus! WHAT THE HECKING HECK????

Anyways, she charged the snake, battled him, blah blah blah, she won. Then she ran forward. I followed her, and my eyes widened. She grabbed the fricking TRIWIZARD CUP! I guess this was the triwizard tournament and I'm just an idiot.

The scene faded and changed. I was standing by the lake. In front of me was my parents, all dressed up. My mom looked beautiful, in her red dress.

My dad started speaking. "Alexis Potter. You are the most amazing, incredible, beautiful, kind, caring, loyal girl I've ever met. You have always been there for everyone, no matter the situation. Whether it was the full moon or rescues, you have been determined to help all of your friends. I am incredibly lucky to be your boyfriend, and despite the ups and downs we've been through, I wouldn't change a single thing. You have always been there for me since day one, and I want to be there for you for the rest of your life." He kneeled down on one knee. My mom's eyes filled with tears, and she covered her mouth with one hand.

"𝒲𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒴𝑜𝓊 𝑀𝒶𝓇𝓇𝓎 𝑀𝑒?" He asked. She nodded.

"Of course I will Sirius!" She exclaimed.

The scene faded quickly, opening to the reception of a wedding. I watched as my mom pretended to throw the bouquet, before turning around and handing it to Lily. My mom turned Lily around to face James, who was down on one knee.

"Lily Evans. I have been in love with you since I first saw you. No matter how much you hated me, I just couldn't stop loving you. You have been my ray of sunshine in the darkness of this war. I can't think of anybody else to spend the rest of my life with. Will you marry me?" He asked. Lily gasped and nodded.

The scene faded one more time, and this time I could tell it wasn't exactly a memory. It was so much more strange. I wasn't with my mom, but rather a large Golden dragon.

I jumped when I heard a voice in my head. You look so much like her Riley.

"I'm sorry, what? How are you talking in my head? How do you know my name? Who are you? You're not gonna hurt me, are you?" I asked, rapid fire. Sure, I'm freaking out. But hey! You would too if a Dragon randomly talked in your head!

Your mother. You look so much like her. But you have your father's eyes. I am talking in your head, because I can't physically talk out loud. I know your name because of your looks. I knew your mother, and your father. Quite the couple they were. I won't hurt you. I have never hurt an innocent person.

I relaxed a little bit, but realized she still hasn't answered one of my questions. "Who are you? What is your name?"

My name is Saphira. We will meet soon, Riley Olivia Black.

I jolted out of my dream and sat up, looking around. What the hell just happened? I need to tell somebody.

I ran out of my dorm, running to Dumbledore's office. Hopefully he can help me.


Thanks for reading!

Hehe, I might publish the next chapter tonight, I might not. If I don't I'll publish it August 3rd or later because my family is going to see the Grand Canyon, and I'm gonna be two weeks without WiFi.

Sorry this is a day late.

All I can say is you will like the next chapter more than the past two!

Hope you're staying safe and healthy!

<3 Riley

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