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Flitwick led me to Dumbledore's office and walked in. I followed, slightly confused.

"Professor Flitwick, Ms. Black, what can I help you with?" Dumbledore asked. Flitwick nodded at me to tell him about my dream.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir, I think I saw my mother... I had a sort of dream, well really it was more of a nightmare, and I heard this cold high pitched voice, talking to the woman. But, it's like I was the woman. And the voice called her 'Black', and 'Filthy Mutt'. And... She said something about a Dragon..." I explained. Dumbledore raised his eyebrows.

"Ms. Black, would you mind if I were to look at this memory of yours?" He asked. I nodded and he extracted my memory of the dream, putting it in his pensive.

We watched it, well he watched it more accurately, and then he frowned.

"You may go, Ms. Black. I will let you know if I need you again." Flitwick led me to Madam Pomfrey, who gave me a dreamless sleep potion.

The next day, I walked into DADA and rolled my eyes. I sat at the back, talking with Cho until the road walked in.

"Now now, there will be no need for talking. I would like you all to read Chapter 5 of your books, and take thorough notes," she said in her obnoxiously high pitched voice.

Everyone pulled out their books, except me. I'm not going to do this bull crap. So instead, I held my wand under my desk.

"Levicorpus," I whispered, the entire class bursting into laughter as she flew into the air, upside down.

Her face turned red as she became angrier and angrier.


"Okay." I released the spell, and she fell to the ground, hitting her head.

"BLACK! DETENTION! 7'OCLOCK SHARP! MY OFFICE!" I just smiled and nodded.

"It's a date."

She growled and class went on. The rest of the day was pretty boring. Until lunch. Fred and George slid into the seats on either side of me.

"Heard about what" Fred started.

"You did to Umbridge" George continued.

"And we wanted to say"

"That was bloody brilliant!"

I laughed and we continued to talk. After that, the day was pretty normal.

AT 7'OClock, I walked into Umbridge's office, smiling.

"Ms. Black, take a seat," Umbridge said as she motioned to the desk across from hers. I sat down and set my bag next to me. She handed me a piece of paper and a quill.

"Lines? Easy." I picked the quill up, examining it. Why she won't let me use my own quill, I have no idea.

"I want you to write, 'I will not become my father', as many times as it takes to... sink in." What? She can't make me write that, can she?

I sighed and started writing it. A few minutes later, I had a searing pain in my arm. I looked at my right arm and noticed the words 'I will not become my father' starting to be carved into my forearm, going from my wrist to my elbow. That's when I realized. This is a blood quill.

Umbridge let me go two hours later after my arm was soaked in blood. I practically ran to the common room, holding my Ravenclaw scarf wrapped around my arm. I reached the door and interrupted it before it could ask a riddle.

"I just had detention that could potentially kill me if I don't get my arm treated, let me fucking through" I growled. The door swung in and I went over to one of the 7th years who was still up. Her name's Amelia.

"A-Amelia...? Do you know any spells to heal deep gashes?" I asked, indicating to my arm. I still had the scarf around it, but my scarf was turning red from blood.

"Yeah. Detention with Umbridge?" She asked as she unwrapped the scarf, She muttered a spell to clean the blood off before summoning bandages.

"Yeah... I pranked her during class, so I kinda deserved the detention though." She nodded and glanced at the words, frowning as she wrapped it tightly.

"She's truly evil if she made you write this. What does she mean by it? If you don't mind me asking."

"It's fine. Because my dad was accused of murdering 13 people, she thinks I'll be the same. Purely because I like pranks." Amelia sighed, shaking her head.

"Don't listen to her, okay? You're amazing. I promise." I nodded and went upstairs to my bed.

Of course, I had trouble falling asleep, but when I finally did I was out like a light.


Thanks for reading!

I had a lot of fun writing this chapter for some reason, and I promise you'll like the next few chapters.

I really promise that Lexi is going to appear soon. A hint as to when should be dropped next chapter *winks*.

Hope you enjoyed! Stay safe and healthy during this pandemic!

<3 Riley

p.s. Yes, a double update today! You get a double update next week too, as beginning July 17th, I will be offline for 2 weeks and will not be able to update so I am trying to update my books as much as I can before then

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