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+Several Weeks Later+

I was sitting in the library when Hermione approached me. I smiled and waved, setting my potions essay aside.

"Hey 'Mione. How are you?" I asked. She smiled and sat next to me.

"I'm great Riley. So, Harry, Ron, and I got talking and we decided we need to get an actual DADA teacher. So, meet us in the Hogs Head this Saturday. We're going to have a meeting with a bunch of people to come up with an idea. Invite anybody you know you can trust," She told me. I nodded and we both went back to schoolwork.

That evening, I walked to the common room to put my stuff down before dinner. I stopped at the door and smiled.

"The more I am used, the smaller I get. What am I?" The knocker asked. I frowned for a moment, thinking, before answering.

"Soap," I answered. But the knocker didn't let me in.

"That is not the answer." I sighed.

"Yes, it is. When you buy a bar of soap, it is a large size. But the more that you use the soap, the smaller the bar will get." The knocker let me in, seemingly satisfied with my answer/explanation. See, the knocker is always looking for one specific answer, but if you can explain your answer and how it logically makes sense (and in what ways it could be wrong), then you'll be let in.

I set my stuff in my dorm and smiled at Cho.

"Hey Cho, I need to tell you something. You want an actual DADA teacher, right?" I asked. She nodded. "There's going to be a meeting in the Hogs Head this Saturday to discuss a secret club where we would actually learn DADA. Invite those you would trust with your life," I explained. She nodded and I set off to the great hall.

I sat next to Luna and told her the same thing that I told Cho. She agreed to come and smiled when she caught me glancing at George.

"You like him, don't you?" She asked. I blushed.

"Is it that obvious?" I sighed as I responded. She smiled.

"I don't think he has noticed. But he likes you too I believe," She pointed to the Gryffindor table and I looked at where she was pointing. George was looking at me, but as soon as I looked back, he looked away. I could see Fred teasing him about something.

That Saturday, I met up with Luna, Cho, and Marietta and walked down to the Hogs Head. We walked in and Luna and I sat in the front, by Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Hermione motioned for me to sit up with them and I nodded, joining them.

Hermione tried to start the meeting, but nobody listened to her. I sighed and stood up.

"Hey! Do you want a DADA teacher or not?! If so, SHUT UP!" I shouted. That shut them up quickly.

"Thank you, Riley," Hermione thanked me and they continued with the meeting.

When the meeting finished, I helped Hermione charm the paper to jinx anybody who snitched. We walked around Hogsmeade while talking and joking around.

Later that night I was in my dorm reading when someone knocked on the door. Padma answered the door and I saw Luna. We both smiled and let her come in. We all sat and talked for a while on my bed. Mostly we talked about the D.A., with the other girls occasionally commenting. We all were a part of the D.A. of course, as we all wanted a proper DADA teacher.

A few weeks later, we had our first D.A. meeting and it was a total success. Harry is a really good teacher. As I was walking out, George caught up with me.

"Hey, Riley. Good job back there," he complimented. I smiled.

"You too. You wouldn't happen to be planning something, would you?" I asked. Often when he compliments me, he wants me to help him in a prank. He just laughed at me though.

"Not this time. I was actually wondering if you'd go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend?" I froze in place. What?

"What about Fred? You always go with him."

"He'll be fine. So what do you say? Go to Hogsmead with me this weekend?"

I debated for a moment before nodding.


When I got back to my dorm, I laid on my bed, grinning.


Thanks for reading!

I hope you all are staying safe during this pandemic!

<3 Riley

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