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I could feel my energy disappear. I could only hope that Riley would tell Dumbledore. I used the last tiny bit of energy I had to thank Saph.

Saph... Thank you for helping me reach Riley... Of course Lex. She's beautiful, you know. Just like you. But with Sirius's eyes. Was she injured.......? Not that I could tell. Only a scar on her arm, but she was hiding it. Oh...... Lex, I'm gonna cut the connection so I can lend you strength. Thanks Saph........

I smiled as I lost consciousness, my energy gone completely.


I guessed 20 different candies before I figured out the password to Dumbledore's office. I ran up the stairs and knocked on the door.

"Come in," Dumbledore said from inside. I went in, out of breath from running here. "Ah. Ms. Black. Lemon drop?"

I shook my head at his offer. "No thank you sir. I had another dream. But, it was more like a flash of memories."

He sat forward in his seat at this. "May I take a look?" He indicated to his pensive.

I nodded and he removed the memories from my mind, including my talk with Saphira.
He watched them and came back with a fond smile on his face.

"Your mother is most definitely alive, if she is showing you these. Her dragon too, though where Saphira has disappeared to is a mystery to all." I nodded.

"Professor, how is she reaching me?" His face turned solemn.

"That, I believe, is an issue for another time. You should get some rest." I nodded and went back to my dorm.

The next few weeks went by peacefully. I didn't seem to get any more dreams, visions, or memories.

Today, I'm in Hogsmeade with George. We're walking around, holding hands and laughing. I was laughing at a cheesy joke of his when he stopped and just looked at me, smiling.

"What?" I asked him.

"Nothing. Just admiring how cute you are." I blushed and looked at my feet.

I wasn't looking at my feet for long when George tilted my chin up so I'm looking at him.

He gently cupped my face in his hands and leaned down, kissing me softly. Every butterfly in my stomach seemed to disappear, and I kissed him back. I stood on my tip toes, wrapping my arms around his neck.

When we pulled away, I was blushing like crazy and he was smiling.

"Wow..." I mumbled. He just nodded.

We stood like that for a few more minutes before walking into the Three Broomsticks.

The rest of the Hogsmeade trip was spent exchanging kisses, and laughing and joking. I knew that from then on, things would always be a lot more different between us.

Why am I so cliche? Maybe because I'm a character in a Wattpad novel, written by an Author who loves cliche stuff.

I walked up to my dorm after George walked me to Ravenclaw tower. I was still in shock. I mean, I just had my first freaking kiss! I wonder if this was how mom felt whenever she kissed daddy...

That night was the worst ever. I was dreaming again.

I'm back in the room area thing. As I looked around, I realized I must be underground. There's dirt everywhere. Literally. Dirt walls, dirt ceiling, most likely dirt floor.

I heard the sound of someone apparating in to my right, and a shrill voice spoke.

"How are you awake?! I had no doubt master wouldn't have killed you, but you shouldn't be awake!" I recognized the voice as female. I heard Myself laugh weakly, realizing that the body I'm in must be my mother's.

"Bella...... Dear... you should know..." a woman's voice - no, my mom's voice - weakly replied.

"Are you gonna give us what we want?! Are you gonna tell us how to get the prophecy? Or where the Potter boy, and Black girl, are?" Bellatrix, I figured out, was the one interrogating my mom.

"I wouldn't tell you if I knew......"

"Well, I guess we'll figure out the prophecy soon enough. But now, we need to make sure you won't wake up for a while." My mom laughed weakly again.

"Nothing you haven't done before......"

"CRUCIO!" Bellatrix laughed as I do desperately wanted to scream, my mother's body convulsing under the spell.

As her body convulsed, I got a better view of the room. I took in as much of my surroundings as possible.

Soon enough, everything went black.

I woke up with a start. My dorm mates and Flitwick looking at me concerned again.

"I... I need to see Dumbledore..." Flitwick nodded and led me to Dumbledore's office. I was still shaking, terrified of the dream I had had.

When I walked into Dumbledore's office, I saw the Weasley's plus Harry disappear via Portkey.

"Ms. Black. Another vision, I'm assuming?" Dumbledore stood up as he spoke. I simply nodded.

"May I?" I nodded again, and he took the memory from my head. "Perhaps you should join the Weasley's and Harry at Grimmauld, Ms Black."

And with that, he had another Portkey ready and I was zooming off to my home.

I immediately hugged my dad, still shaking from my dreams. I hadn't told him about them, scared he'd do something impulsive. Before Daddy escaped from Azkaban, when Uncle Reemy was taking care of me, Remus told me that Dad was very impulsive and tended to act first, think later.

"Hey, hey, shh... I've got you sweetie... what's wrong?" Daddy soothed me.

"Mommy. Mommy's alive. And she's being held captive. I don't know where, I just know." He sat down, with me on his lap.

George looked at me, his face full of concern. Though I could tell it wasn't all for me. So I asked the inevitable question.

"What happened? What's wrong?"

Harry explained his vision, and I bit my lip. I fidgeted with my locket, that I've had since I was one. Harry and I both having visions can't be good.

"Oh my Godric...... I'm so sorry guys..." suddenly, my problems felt insignificant compared to theirs. At least I know both my parents are alive, even if one is being held captive.

"Riles, are you okay? What happened?" George asked me in concern.

I shook my head. "It doesn't matter. What matters is you guys. Do you need anything? Hot chocolate, cookies?"

I stood up as I was speaking.

"I mean, I'd love a hot chocolate, but you don't have to make it for us," Ginny said.

I went to the kitchen and made 7 hot chocolates. One for each Weasley kid that was here, one for Harry, and one for my dad and I each. I brought them back out, and they took their hot chocolates gratefully.

I heard my dad mutter about how similar I was to my mom, making me smile slightly.

Several hours later, we got word that Arthur Weasley is alive. And a little while later, I had fallen asleep again. This time, with my head laying in George's lap.


Thanks for reading!

I'm sorry this isn't edited, but I am not writing this on my computer and I am too lazy to get my computer.

Anyways, hope y'all are staying safe and healthy!

Happy Vibes

<3 Riley

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