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Once we found Saph, Dumbledore apparated back to Hogwarts, while I climbed onto Saph's back.

"Bulgaria. Most likely in the basement of Durmstrang," I told Saph where to look and she flew off. I smiled. It's been years since I rode on her back, and it's like I'm in 7th year again.

"Saph! Are you insane?!" I screamed as we plummeted towards a lake, turning up moments before hitting the water. Lexi laughed from where she's sitting in front of me.

"Come on Reemy! It's fun!" She yelled back to me.

"This is fun?! You're crazy!" This made her laugh harder.

"It's like you don't know me!"

Saph landed soon after and I laid down on the ground. James got on Saph and seemed to have just as much fun as Lexi did. The same with Sirius. I was thinking I was the only one who didn't have fun when Lexi made Lily get on. Lily was screaming as soon as they started flying over the lake.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Saph landing on the ground. I looked around and noticed that we seem to be behind the school. I remember James and Sirius telling me about there being an entrance into the basement back here.

I looked around for the entrance until I found a cellar, hidden by a bush. Saph stayed laying by the door, so I could get back on her as soon as I got Lexi.

I pulled open the cellar door and climbed down into the basement. I immedietly started looking for any hidden rooms or floors, running my hand along the wall. I hit a loose brick and pulled it, which seemed to be the right decision because a door opened.

The door opened to a staircase. I made sure I was holding my wand tightly, and went down them. It smelled really musty, but also seemed to look like people went down here often. I followed the hallway to another door. Hesitantly I opened it, and I was met by a terrifying sight.

Lexi was laying, floating in mid-air — obviously held up by magic — and looked like hell. Cuts and bruises littered her body, and her clothes were torn and bloody. Her hair was plain black, instead of the dyed Rose-gold she used to keep it, and she looked really pale. She seemed to be completely lifeless.

I would've thought that she was dead had she not spoken up. "I know it's not a death eater... They question me... The second they enter that door... So I'm gonna guess... It's either Dumbledore... Or Moony."

She can't even speak properly she's so weak. I went over and reversed the spell holding her up and she fell to the ground with a thump. When she looked at me in pain, I smiled slightly seeing the familiar hazel eyes I haven't seen in years.

"Come on Fantasy, let's get you to St. Mungo's," I said as I picked her up.  I ran out of the basement, up the steps, and to the cellar door.

I climbed out of the cellar and on to Saph's back, supporting Lexi.

"We haven't ridden like this... Since 7th year... Remember it...?" Lexi muttered weakly. I nodded.

"Save your strength Lexi. You're gonna need it."

"Always so caring Moony... I... I'll be fine..." And with that, she passed out.

We reached St. Mungo's quickly, and I ran her in. Instantly healers rushed her back. I went to find Arthur and Molly, as they seemed to be the least likely to tell Sirius that Lexi's back. I knew she'd want to tell them so she doesn't scare the shit out of them.


I was waiting outside with Harry, Hermione, and the Weasley's under 17, when Remus rushed by into Mr. Weasley's room.

"Get the extendable ears Fred," I heard George whisper. Fred nodded and they got out 7 sets of extendable ears, handing one to each of us.

I put the bit in my ear and listened carefully.

"I found her. Healers are taking care of her right now," I heard Remus whisper.

"Found who, Remus?" Mrs. Weasley responded.

"Lex. She's not dead like we thought."

"What? So you're saying you found her, and she's here?" Mr. Weasley questioned.


"What about Riley? Or Sirius?" Mrs. Weasley added dad's name under her breath, but I still caught it. I noticed everyone else had dropped their ears, obviously knowing they weren't supposed to listen to this.

"They can't know yet. Sirius, he's impulsive. And Riley... She's got a lot on her plate already."

I couldn't hear the rest of heir conversation, so I let the ear drop. I just sat there, staring at the wall. Who's Lex? Were they possibly talking about my mother?

That can't be right though. I thought she was dead. This is freaky.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone placing a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see George, looking at me in concern.

"Hey, are you alright?" He asked. I simply nodded.

We went home that night, though I had troubles getting to sleep.

I could tell that my life was about to get a lot crazier.


Thanks for reading!

Sorry for the late update, I've been getting really busy with school and I don't have any more chapters prewritten. I'll do my best to keep updating on Wednesdays though.

Also sorry for the short chapter, I promise the next one will make up for it (even if it's not super long either).

Stay safe and healthy!

Happy Vibes

<3 Riley

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