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I pulled away from Sirius and walked over to where I had seen the glimpse. Brushing away the ash, I picked up a glittery box. I very quickly recognized it as my mom's.

Hoping to all hope that it was what I thought it was, I opened the box. I smiled, happy tears filling my eyes when I saw it. An old set of necklaces that my mom and I had.

They were made to look like puzzle pieces that, when put together, formed a heart. One half said 'Mama' and the other half said 'Mama's Mini'.

"They're beautiful." Sirius startled me, as I hadn't noticed him walk up to me.

"They used to be my mom's. I got them for one of her birthdays when I was little. Never went anywhere without this necklace," I explained. He nodded.

"I think they'd be a lovely gift for Riles. I mean, it's not every day that you turn 16, is it?" Sirius suggested. I smiled and nodded.

"It'll be perfect."

With that, I set out looking through the ash for other possible items that may have survived.

I looked in the area that used to be our family room, when I accidentally kicked something. I brushed the ash off of it, and smiled when I saw what it was.

An old photo album of me, James, and our parents when James and I were kids.

"I think I'm ready to go back!" I called to Sirius. "I found something I want to show Riley."

He came over at that, and noticed the photo album in my hands, raising an eyebrow.

"It's got pictures of James and I as kids." Sirius nodded and held my arm. I made sure I had the box with the necklaces and the photo album, and we apparated back to Grimmauld place.

I went up to the room I shared with Sirius, and put the necklace set in a drawer, so that I could give it to Riley on her birthday. I then went to Riley's room and knocked on the door.

"Ri Ri? I've got something I want to show you," I said. She opened the door, raising an eyebrow.

"What is it mom?" She asked. I held up the photo booth, smiling.

"I found this while at my old house. I figured you might like to see some pictures of your grandparents." She smiled and nodded.

We went down to the kitchen, sitting at the table. Sirius sat on my other side.

As we looked through the photos, I explained stories that I could, but I froze on one photo of the couch on fire, James looking upset while I was crying, both of us holding letters.

"This was the day we got our letters. James got Hogwarts, I got Durmstrang," I explained, remembering the day perfectly.

"Mommmm! James turned my hair Yellow!" 11 year old Lexi ran into the kitchen, her hair a bright neon yellow. 11 year old James followed only seconds later.

"Only because you moved everything in my room while I was at the park!" He retorted.

"I did that because you took my teddy bear!"

"Yeah well you-"

"Both of you hush up," their mother cut them off. "Lexi, we'll wash out the hair dye. James, apologize to your sister."


"James Fleamont Potter."

James groaned. "Fine... I'm sorry I dyed your hair yellow."

Critical ~ S. BlackWhere stories live. Discover now