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The morning started with a scream. My office is the closest to where the scream came from, so I arrive first. I appear on the scene to find a poor first year, terrified out of their mind at some writing on the wall.

I read the words and my eyes widen. I recognize the handwriting of students I've taught for two years as Ginny, Dean, and Riley. What this message means, I have no clue. But it's my every intention to find out.

I hug the first year gently, stroking their hair as they calm down. I make sure that they are as calm as I can get them before I send them off to Poppy for a calming draught.

Severus and Minerva are the next to reach the scene, as the poor kid is running off. I notice the flash of recognition across Minerva's face, but it's just small enough that you'd only notice it if you're looking for it – which I was.

"What do you think this means? And who's DA2?" I question, as other teachers arrive and behold the bloody wall in front of them.

Minerva shakes her head, her voice soft, "This is like your nephew's second year. Miss Weasley was possessed and wrote messages in a similar fashion, on this same wall... Of course, none of the years with him have been calm, but that was certainly one of the worst..."

My eyes widen at her words as hundreds of images and thoughts flood my mind at once. Ginny was possessed? Harry's second year was one of his worst? None of them have been calm? What did I miss? Images of boggarts – Remus explained that one too me over the summer, offering an explanation of his favorite lessons – flash through my mind, both mine and my friends' boggarts. Almost instantly other images swirl around, and I have no way of knowing what actually happened to Harry these past few years. All of this makes me realize just how much I missed while captured.

"What do you believe we should do?" Pomona frowns. I sigh as we all look to Snape, none of us knowing enough of the situation to make a solution.

The conclusion – after several minutes of discussion – is to wash the wall off, and pretend it never happened for now. We'll figure out a solution as we learn more.

I'm quick to head to my office, seeing as Riley will be meeting me there soon for our weekly meeting. I always ensure that I check on her as often as possible, to ensure she's holding up well. I understand she, along with everyone else in her year, get more punishments than anyone else because they defend the younger students. But it's utter garbage that they're being punished at all for the dumbest reasons. I allow my mind to wander, many thoughts filling my mind as I hope for the safety of tons.

A knock sounds at my door and I shake my head, as if it's one of those muggle drawing tablets that you shake to reset, to clear my thoughts. "Come in."

Riley lets herself in and I grin, holding my arms out for a hug. She willingly allows me to embrace her, wrapping her arms around me when I do.

"And how are you?" I ask expectantly as we pull away from each other. She raises her eyebrows, considering that I don't normally ask. But I know my daughter has something to do with the graffiti found this morning.

"I'm good... Why are you asking?" She looks at me suspiciously. I chuckle and shake my head, running my fingers through my hair. I should've known that I couldn't trick her into a simple polite conversation.

"A student found graffiti this morning on the wall outside of one of the girl's lavatories. I recognized your handwriting, and I want to know more," I explain. "Mainly, what is D.A.2?"

"Uhh.. it's umm..." Riley stutters out. I laugh softly and cast a protective enchantment around my office. She seems to relax and explains. "Neville, Ginny, and I realized that we need to know how to defend ourselves. But our classes aren't teaching us that. So we reformed Dumbledore's Army – a group Harry, Ron, and Hermione started in our 5th year to teach us defense when Umbridge wasn't teaching us anything – with upped security measures to make sure we don't get discovered. Dumbledore's Army was the D.A. Since we formed it again, it's the D.A.2."

I nod, and smile. "That's a god idea Riles. Is there anything I could do to help you all?" If there's some way that I can help the students learn defense, then I want to help. This war is coming fast and something needs to be done.

"Could... Could you come to one of our meetings and help teach us? We're struggling with our harder spells, namely strong patronuses, and healing spells... The meeting is tomorrow after dinner in the Room Of Requirement."

I nod, agreeing, and after we talk for a bit longer she leaves. I show up and help with their spells the next day, seeing as the more professional teaching they can get the better they'll be.


Almost Christmas. And Severus decides to do class evaluations. He goes around watching each teacher teach at least once. The class he examines for me, happens to be a class of first years.

"Alright, when you look in your telescopes, I want you to see if you can find the moon, Jupiter, and Mars. Write it on your chart and turn it in by the end of class. Don't forget that if you're struggling, don't cheat off your classmate. Ask me, I'm not going to bite." A few of the first years laugh, and I'm glad I can provide them a little joy in the shitty year.

Severus watches from the corner as I walk around, providing small corrections to a few of the students. It seems to go smoothly, and I allow the kids to go without homework if they finish their assignment before class ends.

"Alexis." I glare at Severus, but stay quiet and walk over. "Why are you not assigning homework?"

"They've finished the assignment I'm asking of them, and they get plenty of homework from every other class. I see no reason to assign them more homework. They're 11, and will likely be up late doing their homework so why keep them awake later."

He doesn't seem pleased, but accepts my reasoning and walks out as class is ending.

That night, Severus calls the professors to his office for a meeting. I have a suspicion what's going on, and I know Horace and Minerva do as well – of course I filled them in of the D.A.2. which they've helped to defend – but none of us show it.

"It's come to my attention that a secret society has been formed. They've vandalized the school multiple times, calling themselves the D.A.2. Do any of you know anything about this?" Keeping a stoic expression, everyone shakes their heads.

"Alexis, I'd like you to keep an eye out for those students. Patrol the halls nightly. Horace, I'd like you to join her," Severus instructs. We nod and after a few other points, he dismisses us.

That one was close. Very close.


Thanks for reading!

Tbh I like the beginning of this chapter better than the ending. But I really wanted to get an update out to y'all.

I'll try to update the next chapter soon because I'm really excited about it! But, it's almost the end of school which means more work as my teachers try to finish the classes in 2 weeks so idk how that'll go.

Hope y'all are staying safe and healthy!

<3 Riley

<3 Riley

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