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The next day, I walked into Transfiguration with the Trio. We're having a joint Transfiguration class with every house today for some reason. Mcgonagall taught us the spell, and as people were practicing, I calmly raised my hand.

"Yes, Ms. Black?" She asked me.

"Professor, I was doing some cleaning over the summer, and I found some pictures of a mysterious girl. I was wondering if you could tell us about her?" I responded, calm as heck.

"Well, do you know what her name is?" I have her attention. She definitely looks curious about this mystery girl.

"Her name was Alexis Potter," I stated calmly. Mcgonagall smiled fondly at the name.

"Alexis was an interesting one. She always behaved in class and was good about getting her work done, but she was also a major prankster," Mcgonagall told us. Everyone watched her, eager to know more about this girl that Mcgonagall seems to be so fond of.

"Alexis was quite a fierce one. Though she never allowed anybody to call her Alexis. She always preferred Lex or Lexi. Sirius Black called her Alexis once, and the boy was nearly put in the Hospital Wing," Mcgonagall chuckled at the memory.

"Sirius Black? As in the escaped Murderer?" Some Slytherin asked. I turned around, glaring at him. Mcgonagall smiled sadly.

"Yes, the one and only. Lexi and Sirius were quite the duo in their Hogwarts years, it was hardly a surprise when they got married a year after they graduated," Mcgonagall told us.

"You said she loved pranks. Could you tell us about some of her pranks?" Harry asked. Mcgonagall smiled fondly as she remembered my mother's school days.

"I happen to think my favorite of hers was a game she, along with the other Marauders, adored. They often changed Sirius's middle name from Orion to ridiculous things like Orangutan, and Onion, and even Oven at one point," This made the entire class laugh.

We spent the rest of the class listening to stories of my mother and the Marauders throughout their school years. After class, I stayed after to ask Mcgonagall something a bit more personal.

"What can I help you with Riley?" She asked as I sat across from her desk.

"I was wondering if you know what happened to my mom," I responded, shifting in my seat. I know she probably doesn't know, but I had to ask.

"I'm sorry Dear. I don't know. She is most likely dead. She went missing a month before the fall of Voldemort and hasn't been found since. I'm really sorry dear." She told me sadly. I sighed. I knew that McGonagall wouldn't know, but it was worth it to ask.

"Thank you, Professor. I better get going before I'm late for my next class," I stated as I stood from my seat. Mcgonagall nodded and I left for DADA. Harry had it before Transfiguration, and I heard it hadn't gone well. I guess it's time to see how long I can keep the toad distracted before she yells at us.

Professor Umbridge explained the "course aims" and passed out the books. She told us to read chapter 1. I raised my hand not even 2 minutes later.

"Do you have a question about the chapter or the course aims, Miss...?" She asked in her sickly sweet voice.

"Black. And not about the chapter or course aims, no," I responded. She just smiled.

"Well, then I'm sure you can wait, Miss Black," I could tell she doesn't like me, probably, no definitely, because of my father.

"No, it really can't," She sighed, exasperated.

"Then I'm sure we would all LOVE to hear your question," I grinned. Annoying this toad is fun.

"Could you tell me about Alexis Black?" She froze in her spot, turning around.

"Alexis Black?" She asked for confirmation. I nodded. She sighed and by now we had the attention of the entire class. "Alexis, or as she preferred Lexi, was an interesting one. Quite childish with her pranks, but an incredible auror. A quarter of the cells in Azkaban were filled because of her. Her skills were quite impressive and quite advanced for how long she had been out of school. She was already capable of producing a corporeal Patronus and was made an Auror only a few months out of school for her.

"Alexis also had quite an interesting background from her school years. She had attended Durmstrang Institute for her first 4 years of schooling, transferring to Hogwarts for her 5th through 7th year. Along with attending Durmstrang, I was told that she had a pet Dragon. Though I never met it, and I wouldn't want to if I could. Dragons are impossible to tame.

"Her pranks were a completely different story. They were childish and utterly stupid. She should have grown up and stopped pranking the moment she left school. She seemed to find things like changing people's hair color amusing when it was utterly disrespectful." Umbridge finished with a huff and I grinned when I noticed that the class was almost over.

Just one more question and we would have wasted the entire class. I didn't have to raise my hand this time. Hannah Abbot from Hufflepuff did. Umbridge called on her and Hannah glanced at me before asking her question.

"What happened to Lexi?" Hannah asked. Umbridge frowned.

"That's just the question. As childish as her pranks were, she was a valuable asset to the Ministry and the Auror office. She disappeared a month before the fall of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, never to be seen again," Umbridge explained. I rolled my eyes and smiled when class ended only a couple minutes later.

I grabbed my stuff and raced out of the classroom to the Great Hall.


Thanks for reading!

I promise that Lexi will appear in the next few chapters!

I hope everyone reading this is staying Healthy from COVID-19!

<3 Riley

p.s sorry this is late again! I'm trying to update regularly but my life has gotten really busy lately and to be honest I completely forgot about updating.

p.p.s also sorry for any grammar mistakes, I'm updating on my phone so I don't have spellcheck.

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