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When we got to Kings Cross Station the morning of September 1st, I couldn't help but smile sadly. I almost instinctively looked around for James before remembering that he wasn't here. The few years I had gone to Hogwarts, he was always by my side. So now it just didn't feel right without him.

"Mom come on! The train leaves in 20 minutes." Riley broke me out of my thoughts. I nodded and we went to Platform 9 3/4.

When we walked onto the platform, Riley immediately ran over to the Weasley's, talking with them. I looked around at the various families and froze when I saw a familiar face.

Neville, I recognized because he was in several of my classes, and his grandmother – Frank's mother – who I had seen come with Frank during our years here. I wondered where Alice and Frank were, so I went over to her.

"Professor Black," Neville greeted me with a smile. I smiled back and saw his grandmother's eyes widen, looking at me with some fo of recognition.

"Mrs. Longbottom. It's been quite a while." I held my hand out for her to shake as Neville went to the train. She shook it, her eyes finally showing the registering recognition.

"Lexi. It's been quite a while." I nodded.

"Where are Alice and Frank? I would've thought they'd be the ones taking their son to Kings Cross for school." When her smile faded and a dark look crossed her eyes, I immediately knew that something had happened to them when I was gone.

"A few days after your disappearance, they were tortured for James and Lily's location," she stated, "when they didn't give it up – because they didn't know – they were tortured to insanity." I gasped, covering my mouth.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry I had no idea..." I trailed off, thinking back to my few memories of Frank, who I had most often seen with Alice.

"Oh, it's alright deary. They're in St. Mungo's if you wish to visit them." I nodded, still feeling bad.

The train whistle blew and I waved goodbye, running to the train. I got on just before they closed all the doors, and went to an empty compartment.

When we got to Hogwarts, I sat in an empty carriage and took the familiar ride to the castle. When I walked in, I went to the teacher's table and sat at the empty seat that Dumbledore directed me to.

I smiled when I noticed professor Slughorn in his old seat.

"Professor, you've come back I see. It's good to see you again," I greeted. He smiled at me.

"If it isn't one of my favorite students." He chortled a little. "How've you been Lexi?" I smiled.

"I've been pretty good, and staying out of trouble." I made sure to clarify that last part, knowing how much trouble I got into as a student.

We talked a bit more until the feast started. We watched the sorting and Dumbledore started the feast. After we finished eating, he stood up and clapped his hands, silencing the hall.

"Now that we've all been adequately fed and watered, I have a few announcements. The first of which being that Filch would like me to remind you that the Forbidden Forest is off-limits. He has also asked me to remind you that fanged frisbees, dungbombs, and the such are off-limits, and there is a full list of banned items hung up in his office should you wish to check it out."

I heard groaning from the students, and I had to force myself not to roll my eyes. Nobody ever checked out that list.

"Now onto more important matters. Professor Slughorn has agreed to return to his old teaching post, teaching potions. And professor Snape has agreed to move to teach Defense Against The Dark Arts. Ad for new teachers, I would like to introduce Mrs. Lexi Black. She shall remain on campus as a teacher's assistant and an on-campus Auror." I waved as the students searched the table for the new professors. "With that, I send you all off to bed." Dumbledore clapped his hands and the students went on their way to their dorms.

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